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how to create this grunge cloud


New Member
I found this cool font on the interweb and found this image that was attached to it and theres these really sick grungy comic clouds and wondering if its an abr brush or can you create it?
There might be faster and easier ways but this one works for sure:

1) Create a black background
2) Select shape tool and ellipse tool
3) Select new layer from path operations (top tool bar)
4) Draw a round shape with white color that is close to a upper edge of the cloud
5) Select black color and subtract from path operations, draw a new shaper over the first one, lower it a bit and use transform to shape it little wider (so you'll cut a bottom half away)
6) Select path selection tool (black arrow) and select both ellipses (drag selection over both of 'em)
7) Select path operations again and merge shape components
8) Now you have a new cloud edge shape
9) Duplicate layer and adjust with transform tool cmd + T (size, angle etc.) and/or pen or path selection tool to adjust thickness
10) Repeat this until you have a first cloud line ready
11) Group edge lines (layers you created) by selecting new group from layers (top right corner in layers)
12) Duplicate group, move it, adjust layers inside and repeat 12 until you’re finished

If you want text over & inside clouds you might want to use layer mask and use clouds you just created.

And if you're using texture in black (might want to bring it dark gray in this case) background you can fix opacity, use layer filters etc.
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Or you could just use the Pen Tool set to shape. Much faster and your in greater control.
