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How do I remove this?



My best friend sent me these 2 photos and wants the picture frame in the background removed.

What is the easiest way to do it on PS6 whilst making it look natural?
I'm still quite new to this but I'm very eager to learn.

Thank you for your help.


Hi bluewomble88 and welcome to PSG.

What is your current experience level with Photoshop on a 1 to 10 scale, 10 being advanced?
I would say either 3 or 4.
I understand about 70% of the tools and all about layers. Haven't touched masks yet though.
I have tried using clone stamp which works to a point but I'd like the wall to look natural after. When I do it you can see there was something there before.
Ok, on this image, I would make a selection of the area I have in red, including isolating the cake in that area (which I did not do) and then just replace the BG.

Use a mask. Once you have your selection just hit the Add Layer Mask icon located in the bottom left hand corner of the layers panel.

Screen Shot 2014-04-16 at 4.04.19 PM.png
Do the same for the other image like this....

On this one I roughed out the cake.
Screen Shot 2014-04-16 at 4.12.36 PM.png

EDIT: Don't forget to add back the shadow on both!

Please forgive my ignorance and I plead for your patience.

I followed your steps and this is what I'm left with. How do I actually remove the picture frame from here?

Many thanks.

Screen Shot 2014-04-17 at 21.20.21.png
It looks like you have done everything right, apart from adding a new layer in between the background layer and the layer with the mask.
On this new layer, you put a new picture of a wall, or just fill the layer with a colour. Then duplicate the layer with the layer mask and right click the mask icon and choose apply mask.
Double click that layer, and choose drop shadow from the dialogue box that comes up.
K, I think I've got this working now.
I have been using the content aware fill after creating a layer mask and it works nicely. However, in one of those 2 pictures the shadow from the Mr/Mrs figurine is on the picture frame that I'm trying to remove. How do I deal with this?

Many thanks.
You could first isolate the backround, mask it off and put in a different BG before adding the shadow. If you want a version of the old backround, transorm it larger, then ctl click the selection of the wall, invert it and mask off that part of the BG.

I think that would work . . .
Oh my god, please, I just can't make this work. Please help.

I have managed to get a decent enough result with one picture. See here:

To make this work, I duplicated the background layer, selected the cake and shadow before masking them off. I then selected the background layer, drew a box around the picture frame and used content aware fill. This is the result.

But, when I'm trying to use the same technique in this other picture, it simply does not work. I've tried 20 times and it isn't working. Please, please, please, what am I doing wrong? Please explain it to me like a 6 year old, I really am quite new to all this.

Lets see your isolation of the second image. What I mean by that is the image with the section of the BG removed.

If your trying to isolate the shadow ......don't. It's much easier to re-create it.

Create a new layer between your extracted cake layer and your new BG and name it Shadow Layer.
Make a selection of your extracted cake by command/control clicking it's thumbnail.....

Screen Shot 2014-04-20 at 5.23.45 PM.png

Fill with black....

Screen Shot 2014-04-20 at 5.25.21 PM.png

Use your Polygonal Lasso Tool to make a selection around the bottom.

Screen Shot 2014-04-20 at 5.25.54 PM.png

Hit delete or mask.

Screen Shot 2014-04-20 at 5.26.19 PM.png

With the shadow layer still highlighted, turn on your original layer to be able to see where the shadow is and you can line up the new one.....

Screen Shot 2014-04-20 at 5.27.30 PM.png

Hit command/control + T to enter transform.
Rotate the new shadow until you have it in place.

Screen Shot 2014-04-20 at 5.28.16 PM.png

Add a Gaussian blur of about 13 and reduce the layers opacity 13%.
Turn off the original, turn on the new background layer.

Screen Shot 2014-04-20 at 5.38.01 PM.png

