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How do I remove these parts of a line?

Katie May

Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm still learning! I have a circle and am arranging lines inside it, and have drawn my shape and everything, but now I was wondering how I could keep the lines inside the circle (i.e. remove the sticking out part of the lines). At first I thought it could just be fixed by sending the layer backwards, but then the whole circle cuts it out.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks :)

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Hi Katie, are the white bars on a different layer than the black circle?
There are two ways to do this.

One is to erase the white bars outside the circle.

Highlight the white bar layer.
Command + click the black circle layer, this makes a selection of the black circle.
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Hit Shift + Command + I to invert the selection.
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Hit delete. Hit Command + D to deselect.
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The BETTER way to do this is to mask the white bar.

Do not invert the selection on the second to last step.
On the last step, instead of hitting delete, just add a Layer mask by hitting the Add layer mask icon located at the left bottom area of the layers panel.
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You could have kept your finger on Alt, and clicked in the middle of the two layers with the circle and the line, then repeat for the other two lines.

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Sorry, didn't expect replies so early. I used sprucemagoo1's method in the end, as I'm on a Mac and Sam's method didn't seem to work for me :cry:
Thanks Sam for the post though, and thanks sprucemagoo!
Also, I have another question if you guys don't mind! Is there any way that instead of having the silvery fill for each line, could I replace it with the background? I.e. have the orangey brown colour of the background in the lines.

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I did not want to explain a clipping mask, but you made it simple, good call Spruce.

Katie, I'm on a Mac as well..........the method I described works, you did not follow the instructions correctly.

Either way, I'm glad you figured it out.
Your background seems to have texture, do you want just the color, or the color and texture as well?
Ctrl+click the stripe layer to select the stripe then alt+backspace to fill with the foreground color or ctrl_backspace to fill with the background color.
Balivalli said:
also is there intersect or punch options in photoshop Sam ?

If you use a shape tool to create the shapes, you can use the Path Operations to combine and intersect the shapes/selections. Using a layer or clipping mask is the best way if you did not have the forethought to use the method above.

My previous question matters. But since you don't answer, I will go with color only.

There are several ways to do this. I will assume you just want to change the color of the bars individually.

Click on your foreground color icon in the tools panel. (NOTE: You could also click on the background icon)
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This will open the color picker.
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While the Color Picker is open, move your cursor over an area of the background that you would like to sample a color from. Then click your mouse.
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Then click OK on the Color Picker.
This process has now set your foreground color.

In your layers panel, HIGHLIGHT the first of the bar layers you would like to change.
Place your cursor on the layers thumbnail, hold the Command key and click your mouse.
This will make a selection of that bar.
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Now hit Option + Delete, this will fill the selection with your foreground color.
(NOTE: If you used the background icon for step 1, then you will hit Command + Delete to fill the selection)
Then hit Command + D to deselect.
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Next, HIGHLIGHT the next bar layer.
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Repeat the steps above.

If you want to have the texture as well, then that's a whole different procedure.
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