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How do i do this easymode?


Active Member
Okay so..

I want to pronounce the shadow some more because I want it to look as realistic as possible.
How do I do this?

Schermafbeelding 2015-10-26 om 09.58.58.png

as you can see, the left arm on the sweatshirt looks very unrealistic because the print goes over it.

i tried bitmapping and overlaying the shadow but that just made it ugly.

Any tips?

You could still make it look more realistic... experiment with combinations on the layer modes on both shirt and texture. And you can also try apply other modes on layer duplicates blending it in by lowering the opacity.

Post your psd so we can experiment on it alongside with you....
A quick example.
The texture you are placing on the shirt is flat.

Schermafbeelding%202015-10-26%20om%2009_58_58 000.jpg

Open one file and one texture.
Make a selection of the shirt and make a new layer of it . Use levels to make the dark parts a bit darker and the light parts a bit lighter to achieve a somewhat exessif contrast.

Schermafbeelding%202015-10-26%20om%2009_58_58 001.jpg

Deselect this layer.
Place the texture on top of it.

Schermafbeelding%202015-10-26%20om%2009_58_58 001B.jpg

Reduce the opacity (50%)
Apply warp on the texture layer to follow the body and arm contours. You may have to repeat the warp tool several times.
When the textures looks natural on the body make the opacity 100% and apply a multiply blend mode (in this case but experiment with other blend modes)

Select the shirt layer (ctrl + click the thumbnail)
Press ctrl + J to clip the texture layer.

Schermafbeelding%202015-10-26%20om%2009_58_58 002.jpg better than a flat Schermafbeelding%202015-10-26%20om%2009_58_58 002B.jpg

Excuse the sloppy work, this was done very quickly. :cheesygrin:
How did you make the texture go crooked on the arm? sorry my english isnt all that so heres a pic:
Schermafbeelding 2015-10-26 om 16.19.55.png

It looks better now but still kinda bad on the arm:

Schermafbeelding 2015-10-26 om 16.19.18.png
While working (warp) on the texture layer you can select a part of it by using the polygon selection tool.


You can warp this separately but be careful not to stretch it off the main part (body) causing a gap!

Since the sleeve opening is going up the curves of the arm should go up too (In my view of course).
This will contrast with the striping on the body going down.
Experiment until it looks natural.
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I used a displacement map.

Here is a good tutorial that explains displacement Mapping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huvysaySBrw

Here is the original texture.
Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 12.40.29 PM.png

I then used Liquify to alter the texture to add some realistic curves to the texture.
I used the freeze mask function to hold the torso section while I altered the sleeve sections.
I then used the selection of the shirt to create a layer mask.
Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 11.49.53 AM.png

I set the texture layer to Color Dodge.
It looked pretty good this way......
Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 12.39.11 PM.png

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 12.52.10 PM.png

..but I think it looked even better after the displacement mask.
Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 12.38.55 PM.png

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 12.51.18 PM.png
thanks for the help guys!
I still need alot of practicing cause this isnt working at all for me lol.. but i'll be allright.
