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Hia all... Ageing Face ??? HOW??


New Member
Hia People...
I'm trying to make young to old.
i've wondered in websites showing examples but none of them gives idea where to start...

if someone can help me i'll be glad....

10x alot people and have fun.
Hi segev, welocme to the community. Hope you enjoy your stay. [honesty]

How about a quick example segev? So we know where you wanna take this effect to. There are only a few ways to do this though:

1) manipulating 2 separate photos together
2) using filters
3) painting on the changes manually

www.computerarts.co.uk used to have a tute on method #1. But since they changed their site around i'll be damned if i can find it. [doh] :\
I'm Glad to join the Community... :D


I Attached a little example of what i ment:

Guess if i need to combine 2 pictures i need someone with resemblencce to the subject?
the mix down wrinkles? hair? and so on?

10x anyway for the answer...

no Tutorial in Computerarts... ive been looking for it a lot...
10x. :righton:
There you go. That's the "2 photo manip" method i meant.

And no actually... the 2 source images don't neccessarily have to look similar. You would be cosmetically removing the rinkles, saggy chin, baggy eyes, etc from the elderly photo, and imposing those elements onto the younger photo. Using the clone tool you can touchup specific areas around the spots where the cosmetic editing was done.

I think this is the easiest, and usually most convincing method of the 3 i mentioned.
Excellent. Give it a go and let us see how it turns out.

From there, it'll be simple to resolve any specific issues. :righton:
