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Hi! I'm Sophie, aka KrystalDream!


Active Member
My name is Sophie and I am a 22 year old woman from Sweden, currently living in New Zealand. I have a huge interest in Photo Editing and I love learning new things.

I joined this forum in the hope of getting some great advice and to get inspired by other members. I feel like I am at a level where the basic stuff is too simple for me, but the advanced is a bit too advanced. It's not a great place to be in and I hope that this forum can help me get to the next step!

I mostly do Photo Retouching but I've got some experience doing manipulations as well. I would love to learn more in both areas. I'm looking forward to seeing where this forum takes me! :)
Hi and welcome to the forum, you'll find a lot of people here that are willing help.

Just incase you haven't looked through the whole forum, I thought I would give you some places that might be interest you, on this site.

There is a Photogrraphy section:

There is a Show-Board section:

Again these are just places that I thought may interest you, and you are in no way limited to posting in them only.

Feel free to ask any question you like, and I am sure we'll try our best to help you out in any way we can :)
as the others said........Welcome!
Thank you guys! I'm sure I'll feel right at home! I was actually gonna upload another before and after picture yesterday, but my laptop charger broke and so I don't have any battery left in my laptop. I will upload the photo as soon as I've bought a new charger and can access my files again! :)
