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Help with clan logo

then just upload the H.264 fvideo upto youtube

I dont like accessing peoples accounts for sites such as faceook,youtube etc as if anything goes wrong I dont want to be held responsible.

the only accounts I will access are for clients when I am designing and maintaining thereebsites
can you just plz post it, i will not hold you responsible if anything goes wrong i promise, or can you give me a link to download the video not in rar format, so that i can just upload to youtube without doing anything to it
I really need your help...idk what im doing...a lot of video makers and stuff are blocked on my computer, i only have windows live video maker, can i do anything with that? Put instructions in more simpler terms please
ok define tags and are you after 3d versions because you are aware if 3d images are shrunk down in size using graffiti style they are very hard to read

for example


Ok I am busy now with other work so hopefully somebody else will do these for you if not you may have to wait a few days until I am back
Anyone can do it if it is small you dont need to do it in 3d program you can do it all in photoshop

here is the font in the examle http://www.ufonts.com/fonts/uniwide.html

if you want to do it in photoshop similar effect to what I have done above just type what you want in black and a bevel and emboss
create a new layer and merge those 2 layers together so you rasterize the layer style then add a blue or whatever color stroke so you still get the depth
If they have not been done by Sunday I will do them but I am rendering files and away tomorrow and saturday
Hey Hoogle could you do me a favor and render that same text with a transparent background?
I am alittle busy at the moment ,but it would be a time saver for me ,thanks.
ok, I have the general idea for your logo...
I am thinkin about something like this...
except alittle better layer manipulation... and editing.
View attachment 18211
But using this idea With placing a knife through the text, does make it alittle issue with that "D" not being sealed...as it will make it harder to read....
Which is why I asked for the logo again with a transparent background...
It would make it easier...
You mind doing that hoogle?
My extraction methods are not the best...
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here is 1 better a cinema 4d file I just made now you can angle it, position it, light it texture it however you want. the beauty of being another fellow C4D user. This only has standard specular lighting on though you will need to set up your own lighting rig\ studio for best results as if I supply them your computer probably wont recognise my light kits
View attachment dom.rar
You were right about the light kits...
My computer doesn't recognize them...
Got to get moving for school soon...
can't work on this now.
there is no light kits just the default settings render out the alpha channel and select png format in the render settings under save.

you will see a check box for alpha channel.

then it will render out the text with no background.

create a plane make ut bigger and raise it above the text at an angle add more of these if you like around the ext for some nice reflections

create a new texture and check the luminance option then you have some lights that are better than the standard 1s

you may then want to add a cinema 4d compositing tag on them and check the box not seen by camera. this way they will be invisible in the render but the text will still keep the effect
I got the final logo...
I think it is Sweet...
View attachment 18242
If you want the faded blood on the blade gone, i can get rid of it...
Or if you want the "D" Sealed I can do it.
Also Thanks, for the help hoogle...
It helped alot.
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