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Help me see a way out!!


Hiii guys...

I am new to photoshop. I've been using it since the past 2 months and i really like to edit photos and add effects and stuff. Well the main reason i am here because i work in a company which needs it's logo to be finalized and i took the responsibility of doing so (They agreed because they were saving money they would have given to professionals ofcourse.) . I thought i could do a decent job. I am so close to convincing them with a logo i cooked up not exactly knowing what i was doing in PS. So, here comes the problem. I need a ring with metallic finish like the letters in the ring.jpg i have attached here but i dont seem to find anything on the net to help me with it. So help me gurus :DUntitled-1.jpgring.jpg I 've attached the PSD file as well.


Hi There,

A quick example from me:

I made the ring in a new document, applied the effects of the text (Gradient Tool) and then dragged the ring onto the main document and used the Free Transform tool and a layer mask to put the 2 together.

Quick example of the ring I made:

View attachment ring.psd

Using the shape tool, rastersize the shapes and mess around with them to get the almost correct look.

This is probably the long way round, but took me about 5 minutes total.
DUDE:shocked: so quick???? by this time i would've opened and closed the documents atleast 5 times and just doodled around a bit...!! :cheesygrin: Thanx for the work. I'll check it out and try my own experiments. Keep more suggestions coming
Just my opinion on the logo... Tilt the ring a bit more and do away with the triangles. When I get to my computer I will show u what I mean.

Sent from my Fortress of Solitude.
You guys are doing nicely, but you still have to do this in a way that cleans up the pixelated edges of the ring. Just sayin.I cheated. Traced your ring Josh with the pen tool. If you take a vector shape, rasterize and transform it, you lose the inherent qualities of vectors.

I'm not good enough to make this from scratch without working at it longer than should be necessary. But it isn't that hard to trace an already transformed shape like you guys already have (though even this I did pretty quickly and it has a point or two that could be adjusted more).

Of course, Illustrator will give you a crisp edge no matter what if you take all of this into AI. Depends on the size you need.

I like the difference Josh. Clean, simple, recognizable. I think I would tilt the ring a bit more, down on the right.

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Hi Mate,

I'm a newbie here and was bored tonight so hope you don't mind me having ago... My methods are a little messed up in the PSD but.

IMO like Josh said I would lose the triangles!

I would have posted a jpg but it wont let me as this is my second post! :banghead:


Blitz, you can upload a jpeg anytime. Just go to the reply window, find the box with the image and select "from computer."

(If you guys would read the rules before you start posting, you'd know this)
I have read the rules...

No spamming
No spamming
and most of all no spamming! lol

The attachment services wasn't working last night I was prompted with an error. So I tried to post it as a link which I cannot do as I haven't posted 5 posts.
The error says "Invalid Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"
I can file browse the jpeg but when selecting upload file the directory disappears.

Maybe a compatability issue with IE9? Quick replies don't work for me either
ibclare & Blitz

Thanks for the sample guys...BTW for a newbie you did a damn good job there. I really like the transparency thing it looks better IMO.


C'mon man..i would want those triangles cause i want something to be my own creation in the logo
:lol: plus the bosses already liked the logo with the triangles and the ring when i showed it to them on the paper. Could you suggest something nice to do with those triangles so they look better. I was thinking of making them a tad dark.
Just an FYI Blitz and I'm not even sure it's good info, but if you have the upload problem again, go to Advanced and upload through that avenue. I think that will work for you.
I understand that. 2 things. 1. Some people dont have an eye for design so just because they like it doesnt mean they wouldnt like something else more. 2. The triangles just look out of place, try moving them around or flipping them or both. Make it seem more like a rectangular design. Oh, and give them options, work up multiple designs and see which one they like.

Sent from my Fortress of Solitude.
Thanks ibclare I'll try it next time, need to d/l Firefox orsomething to be honest but a little busy at the moment!

I agree with Josh again you should present more options for them. What does your Company do if you don't mind me asking Justme101.
