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Specific Graphic Color Change


New Member

Could someone please make an edit on the graphic to be in gold color and complete the circle. 3 different Golden hues would be highly appreciated!!!

Thanks in advance!

Elite Beauty Logo.png
Since you're new and I've been around long enough to notice patterns, I thought I would write to say that requests don't usually sit this long without a reply. At this point it is probably a communication error? "logo to be in gold color and complete the circle"

It is gold, and there is a circle that than artist took time on. What do you want? Direct your artists. I do most of my work for $125/ for annoying asshats. I do it here for free when I want to feel less limited. I love my asshats because they pay the mortgage, but also like doing this type of work... but only when I think I can make the end user happy. Right now, I don't have a gage on what will make you happy.
I keep on thinking about my edits with this Logo and am sure this is not what the OP wants. (a' la Maduke's comments) Here's something I like better:

Elite Beauty_9_small.png

If anyone else wants to edit this, go ahead and use this PS file. Its large and broken up into component layers so the logo can be changed easily


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