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Goofy thing happening


Active Member
Hope someone is monitoring this forum today. Something strange is happening when I am working on a photo. Whenever I click on the layer I am working on the layer duplicates itself. Sometimes I will end up with 4 or 5 duplications before I know it. I then have to stop and delete each duplication before proceeding with my work. Then, bang, when I click on the layer again it duplicates itself.
Anyone have any idea what is happening? Do I need to chance a preference or something?
You should add a bit about your platform and specs: Win or Mac, OSx Panther or WinXPSP1, Photoshop 7.01, etc...
Also: where are you from (american querty keyb, french azerty, ...)
It may be corrupt prefs, but it may also be a shortcut that is twice assigned somewhere...

I do know that there is a kind of bizarre shortcut in 6 and 7:to create a copy of a layer: hold Ctrl+Alt and drag...then there is Ctrl+J (if there's no active selection)...
so if the prefs aren't corrupt, it might be that this combination does something unwanted???
OS is Win 2000. Using PS7. Located in Mid America. Missouri to be exact. Maybe the weather in Missouri is causing the trouble. Got to blame it on something.
If you didn't have this before, it may well have to do something with the preferences file, Photoshop's Achilles' heel.

You can try to locate the file, if I remember well it'll be in the local settings folder. If you haven't installed any prefs, or don't care about setting them anew, you can try to press and holds down Ctrl+Shift+Alt whilst loading Photoshop.
If this doesn't help, then somethin,g more serious may be happening, and this might mean a fresh install.
The Preferences location for your platform is:
Windows XP and 2000:
Documents and Settings\[user profile]\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop\7.0\Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Settings

from http://www.adobe.com:80/support/techdocs/6712.htm Good one to bookmark :)
Well, something happened. I messed around with the preferences and it seemed to do the trick. Don't have the problem any more.
Many thanks all.
Great, George! Glad to hear your problem is solved! B7

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