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Free/Freebies section


I know there is a member resources section , but i was thinking more on the lines of a TOTALLY FREE section for the members only.

This might include images,psd files, header graphics ( web graphics ), Illustrator/correl/ vector files, videos, and basically anything anyone wanted give away for free.

The person giving the freebie would have to be the original maker/owner/copyright of what ever it is they are giving away , and stipulate what rights the member downloading it has for its use.

For instance i have some WordPress blog themes i could contribute to this section as well as some fully made html websites. A photographer might have a ton of images they want to let people use, so on and so on.

I think the basic rules would be something as follows...

1... The file, files, media, the member is contributing must have the copyright or own the product that they are contributing.

2... The contributor must state what rights the down load member has ... ie... Do Whatever you want with it, or.. for personal use only.

I know there's tons of resources on the web.. but i think there is an opportunity for members to give something to other members just in this forum.
I understand where you're getting at.

But "MEMBERS" is a broad term in the forum. You have..

1. Diehard and Contributing Regulars
2. Registered New User who's just passing by.
3. User who's here just for the info, expose their personal sites (eg YouTube), freelance.

Any of these three can view any part of the forum hence can download anything from here.

To give special privileges is kinda complicated to do .


The REGULARS will respect the EULA that goes with the freebie. It can't be guaranteed what the passer-bys will do...

I'm sure the regulars here will be willing to share some of their personal stuff to other regulars. But I don't think they'll be happy that someone they don't know snapped it up.
Thanks ...

Thanks dv8_fx, I understand what your saying... i thought if a member just wanted to give something this would be a thread that they could do it in... When a say members i meant all members.

You could only access this area if your a member.. but then again as you mention the passers by could sign in and just download..

So now i'm thinking that members could just post things that they are happy to give away the rights to if they have something that they think someone else could use.
what about a thread or group where you have to do a lot of posts to access or have admin approval to view/join?

In that sense you can delegate regulars etc who would respect the access to these images etc..
This is why we have an open resource section. Not only for personal stuff but links to legit freebie sites and other off site goodies.

Come to think of it, the entire PHOTOSHOP TUTORIALS & RESOURCES forum functions as an "open" freebie section.

Thanks ...

Thanks dv8_fx, I understand what your saying... i thought if a member just wanted to give something this would be a thread that they could do it in... When a say members i meant all members.

You could only access this area if your a member.. but then again as you mention the passers by could sign in and just download..

So now i'm thinking that members could just post things that they are happy to give away the rights to if they have something that they think someone else could use.
what about a thread or group where you have to do a lot of posts to access or have admin approval to view/join?

In that sense you can delegate regulars etc who would respect the access to these images etc..

For the moment, the aforementioned resource section is adequate to the forum's needs. Even in terms of requests for templates, brushes and the sort, the present members usually oblige with links to sites or if willing, create and offer their wares for anyone to use.

But if we get to receive a clamor for a separate private section from members who would want to share stuff to a select few, then probably we would consider creating such section.

Another option is for members who are wiling to dedicate their time ti producing freebie resources to group themselves and create a forum GROUP with members by invitation only. These groups are closed to the general public and like all the groups created by users are moderated by us.
Another option is for members who are wiling to dedicate their time ti producing freebie resources to group themselves and create a forum GROUP with members by invitation only. These groups are closed to the general public and like all the groups created by users are moderated by us.

Great thinking.. hope one day this happens... would love to give some stuff to people in the future... i do not have a website that i could send people to to download stuff.. hence this is where the idea came from.

But thanks for taking the time to look at this and reply..thank you.

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