After reading this thread and contributing Artweaver I've had some thoughts about Photoshop, it is the easiest and fastest image editing tool ever, the professionals would soon dump it if it wasn't. I taught myself how to use it simply by 1/. trying the drop downs and 2/. failing.
Looking at long lists of steps is a waste of time by the time you've got to the last one the first one is forgotten. Sadly lots of people look at these lists, fail and try to find something "simpler" when the truth is that finding out for ones self using the above is the best way because what you have found for yourself goes in and doesn't come out.
Stick with it and when your first image comes alive you'll be delighted and then you'll off on your own journey through the program with confidence.
The poster above who uses Ps7 is quite right it's very good and very fast even on Win10.
I bought a secondhand one with a serial number for £25 on Ebay and still use it.
If you can get a copy of CS4 (Ps11) cheaply it is a bit better (but not that much) the first one having tabbed images.
I was lucky enough to join a group purchase of CS6 (Ps13) as above but very fast indeed.
Going back to Ps7 it was a pivotal release, stuff that's been added since is mostly bells and whistles and it's far ahead of any of the other programs mentioned above, not to mention easier!