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Firefox Controversy

If the CEO resigned, then why would others still be boycotting Mozilla?
Because they are annoyed that Mozilla didn't keep somebody that was discriminate and intolerant of gay people, saying Mozilla was discriminate and intolerant of his anti gay views.

Although his political and religious positions maybe held by millions of Americans, with a population of 528.7 million, I would hope that in this day and age, it would still be a very small minority. Most of whom just angry and confused about being closet gays themselves.

Backward thinking propaganda, and just checked OkCupid and boom, it lets me on the website!

p.s. I delete IE from any laptop or computer I get within hours of switching it on.
I agree. The only reason I used IE is it came with the PC and chrome wouldn't open. Finally downloaded Opera and until I get google working again, I'll use that. The prob I find with Opera is that they don't believe in bookmarks and I have hundreds stored on google.
So to fight Discrimination they are discriminating against people that use a particular browser.

Personal views should never effect your working professionalism. Anyone is free to believe and do whatever they want in my eyes as long as they don't expect me to believe the same or push their views and beliefs on me.

I am sure we all have a personal view that we probably keep to ourselves because we are so PC OTT So someone is in the wrong because they support a traditional family Group isnt that a bit Dramatic I bet he would be in just as much public outrage if he gave the money to support Gay Marriage.

I also personally Believe it is people in Politics and media that make things way bigger than the general public. If you didnt read a story on how gay marriage is not allowed in wherever would you really be sitting at home thinking you know what Gay marriage should be legal. I dont care what anyone believes and feel if they want to do something then they should be allowed as long as it does not effect anyone else.

I was banned from 1 school subject because I was proven to be difficult that subject was of course Religious Education where we spent years learning about Catholics and their beliefs but yet every other religion was barely covered because our teacher was a retired Priest. Now I dont have a problem with religion but if someone is their to teach about overall religion and not force just 1 view into your head then I expect a balanced fair view so of course I became disruptive in his eyes by questioning him and calling him out on his views and his role as a teacher.

I am neither Pro Gay or Anti Gay to be honest I personally Dont care but if you dedicate your life to someone same sex or not then you should be entitled to the same rights as a married couple. anyway as the wise words often echoed around this Forum that is just my $0.02
Oh and if I remember correctly the reason why Microsoft gives you that pop up on a new computer linking you to all popular browsers is because they lost a court case on forcing everybody to use IE and gained the Monopoly. Like so many people ie is the first uninstall I ever do on a computer along with Norton or Mcaffee or any monetised trial.
Spruce said:
Because they are annoyed that Mozilla didn't keep somebody that was discriminate and intolerant of gay people, saying Mozilla was discriminate and intolerant of his anti gay views.

Thanks Chad, I skimmed Clares link and did not read much into it. Now that I'm up to speed, I really can't add anything more than what you and Hoogle stated to which I agree.

I'm more than passionate about this subject so I will just refrain from any further comment.
Religion, Politics, Business and Beliefs were never a good mix......... The only thing I wish Firefox would add is the ability to save as an archive single page.

clare..... FF uses a different installer nowadays. if you have an old installer of Firefox, use that. If it works, do manual update or let it update itself.


bullguard will not block internet explorer mainly because it is probably already on your computer. Internet explorer has malware targeted just for that browser as a ratio 5:1 so for every bit of malware out there 5 of them are designed to target IE users where as only 1 will effect other browsers.

Most viruses and malware rely on Microsoft inferior products and security protocols, MIcrosoft makes an OS and then adds an internet browser as a secondary product often overlooking all sill security risks where as people like fire fox who spend all their time developing a browser don't overlook the silly security issues.

Windows updates/ ie updates come every few days firefox and chrome etc every few weeks because they dont need to correct so much crap.

but if bullguard is blocking a genuine program for no reason then just edit the rule for it
clare..... FF uses a different installer nowadays. if you have an old installer of Firefox, use that. If it works, do manual update or let it update itself.

Tx dv8. I just tried to use FF since I couldn't get chrome to work. But I used Opera instead.

Then when I went to google forum, they advised turning off the firewalls to inatall it. SO I uninstalled the old one, reinstalled, and allowed in about 7 junk programs I spent 20 minutes deleting, lol. Well now chrome works anyway. Well, except that I accidentally uninstalled my LAN program. ANd though it wasn't deleted and reinstalls automatically, it keeps directing to a proxy server even with unchecking and reboot. SO I left my PC with the geek guys for a couple days. Oh well, yuck yuck, in both senses of the word, lol.

BTW, if I am not around the forum much for the next few days, it is because of using this old XP version my fiancee doesn't use anymore. No PS and I don't want to overtax it with any Photoshop installation. Such a sloooooow computer. Partly cuz he put so many startup tasks on it. Not going to change any of those since it's still his b/u.
Explorer is built in, not an item you can remove....without some serious registry hacks...I found most issues and browser problems are related to your virus/malware protection. I got tired of mcAfee and then Norton (Internet Provider gave subscriptions away free) went to MSE and seemingly removed two issues with one move...much faster NO issues. I love Chrome, but am quite wary of Google vs MS as to the bigger brother. Firefox is OK...I seem to have a few issues with it....just not worth it.

So between TOR browser and Chrome I'm here
FF is rock solid running on a mac. In the past it has been my staple. However, since the latest version (29.0.1), I'm ready to look at some other browsers. The new interface just ***** like ******* ****!
I can actually play one of those you know, and throw a boomerang and make it hit objects, all while replying on here such a multitasker i am - never moan never groan just head down get on with it kind of guy:bustagut:
I can actually play one of those you know, ......

I bet... to make a sound out of one of those things require lung power and sophisticated lip work....... an advanced version of making a fart sound which you're quite adept at....

If that doesn't cure your snoring problem, nothing will.... 24.gif24.gif24.gif

Never a dull moment around the computer even while page loading, eh Paul? :cheesygrin:
