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Easier sharing

Thanks for the effort Hoogle.

VaFann, any thoughts?

Yes, ugh, I just woke up though and can´t realyl see, write, or think right yet lol.

I´ve haven´t been able to spend much time searching yesterday, and today I have my photography class, which will probably keep me from getting much done today as well, but I was thinking yesterday about checking out the flickr thing as Hoogle has already done.

I know that when I have been searching for backgrounds and photos and things, I will for ex, google "photoshop resources" or "design resources" that usually comes up with sites that have compiled different resources from all all over the web, and many times it is from Flickr, but other places as well. They show a large image of a background or whatever, and when you click on it you are redirected someones account on Flickr for ex.

Once there, you usually click on a smaller preview of the image, that then opens up different size options to download, I have never really thought about exactly how large the largest ones are though mp-wise.

Sometimes when you are redirected to other image sites like DeviantArt, when you click on an image, and they have really high resolution images many times, but I suppose it depends on who has uploaded the images.

I was thinking about what you were saying about using the album pages here as well. I have been wondering about these albums, it seem like almost nobody uses them at all?

If there is space on this site that is put aside for the albums, them maybe it could be used kind of in the same way, as flickr, and DeviantArt, in the sense that if we could get people posting more images there, and stating the terms of use to some kind of free user liscense, then maybe we could contact some of these free resource compilation sites that could link our Images through them?

Thay are always looking for new resources all over the web to keeps their sites new and freshly updated, so I think we would be doing them a favor mentioning it to them. This brings more traffic to them, and more traffic to us, it´s still a question of how much space we have here to use for this.

I will keep thinking, I my head doesn´t work this early with no coffee in it yet. As soon as I have more time later, I will search for more options as well. :)
I just want to let you know that I am researching this issue like crazy. I am even trying to learn exactly how sites and forums like this are managed. In the process I also got kind of side tracked into trying to learn how to create web sites in general, and my brain is about to explode. I will post back as soon as I have anything constructive to add.

I have also found some kind of mystery pertaining to disk space and bandwidth. When a website hosting place says that for ex, you have unlimited disk space and bandwidth with a certain package or something, there are still some kind of restrictions that I don´t understand. Things like "you may not use more than 5% of (space or bandwidth or whatever) for music, games, blah, blah, blah.." 5%? what is 5% of unlimited? Man, I have a lot to learn lol. :)
Yes but how much is the plug in I like that idea a lot does it state though if it accepts high resolution or would that be down to the person coding it into the forum. Good find Vafann
Yes but how much is the plug in I like that idea a lot does it state though if it accepts high resolution or would that be down to the person coding it into the forum. Good find Vafann

Thank you Hoogle, it was a one time license (How do you spell that? lol) price, you pay once and keep it forever as far as I have understood. :)
What is the problem with our own image uploader/attachment manager? I think it supports larger image sizes than almost any other photo hosting service out there, plus it's right here on our site already.

If anyone uses Flickr or some other photo hosting, they can still share those images here as well by using the embed image button and pasting in the image URL.

The display script resizes the images for veiwing in threads, but if you click them you get the full size images and it's capable of handing very high res files.

I'm a bit lost as to what exactly you guys are looking for. Maybe it's partly because I am jumping in this thread late, but some clarification woudl really help.

Is there some problem with our own image hosting? Do I need to increase the size limits? Or is the image hosting fine, but you just want a better way to display galleries of images rather than in forum threads?

Let me know exactly what you want and I'll look into the best solution.
A buttton that would let you upload multiple images at the same I think could be done with an action script control but also where when uploading more that say 4 pictures it will automatically make the previews smaller and have them in tidy rows and coloums like an albub so it is a lot cleaner to look at. If you see an image you like you can then click it to see the image full size and save it. So basically the ability to create a mini album right in on the thread. If you are uploading multiple large files it gets frustrating uploading 1 image at a time especially if they are 10+MBs each. and then maybe with each album provided by users there could also be an option to download whole album in 1 click rather than having to to open up each image to save it. We were also concerned that if we were to start uploading high resolution pictures in large numbers then we would be clogging up the forum and taking up valuable space I am assuming this is not the case.
Can always use image hosting and post a Url image attachment option which is easier on the forums bandwidth and much faster to do from the users end!
What is the problem with our own image uploader/attachment manager? I think it supports larger image sizes than almost any other photo hosting service out there, plus it's right here on our site already. .......................................
............................ Let me know exactly what you want and I'll look into the best solution.

Hi admin, nothing needs to change and the file size limits are already more than large enough.

What was originally suggested which wasn't entirely clear in the first post was a way to share High Resolution images.
That would have to be a searchable database like iStockPhoto.

That morphed into something that was more likely to work here at PSG like a members Photo Gallery similar to the plug-in Vafann had found.

The Albums feature really is useless and images posted in messages by members fade away as the thread ages.
The plug-in she found may or may not be suitable but some kind of members gallery would make sense in a Photoshop forum.
you can use 4shared.com to upload your stuff without resizing. moreover I think there are a lot of free bulk resizing tools available.
you can use 4shared.com to upload your stuff without resizing. moreover I think there are a lot of free bulk resizing tools available.

The goal is to have a searchable gallery where we can view all available images.
We can already share an image in the threads that support many file types and very large file sizes.

It will take a while but I'm told it is on the list.

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