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Do you believe in aliens?


Former Member
I for many years have had a passion for wondering if anything is out there, i don't mean little green men but the idea of other societies living out there far in advanced states to ours.

I love to star gaze and wonder just what could be out there, i do believe we are not alone - that does not mean i think little green men are here taking samples of us and animals, like the stories tell us.

How naive a society would the world be to think theres only us in the entire solar system and beyond.

Just a quote from the bible for those who believe...
Moses is quoted as saying, 'the world in it's roundness looks lost in comparison to the stars around it' how did he know the world was round?

Did the world start as science said or is there another answer?
just on your last paragraph.
the bible was written by people and didnt start in English.
so a quote isnt a real quote its just somebodies interpretation of what he said or didnt say
The quotes have been converted to English from Hebrew, so your explanation holds no water, but thanks for reply.
I get what your trying to say mate, i hold no wishes to believe 'gods' word myself, but you got to admit the coincidence is there?
I know there are aliens and they are on this planet as well! Have you met my inlaws? :bustagut:
i believe that there are extra terrestrial organisms like bacteria, and small creatures, but nothing too evolutionarily advanced, and the gravitational pull of their sun would dictate what they looked like, a planet closer to their sun than us will probably have short thin bodies, and small eyes, possibly not bipedal, rather than the classical larger eyes, of Sci Fi movies.

but i don't believe they have ever invaded earth, they probably wouldn't be able to survive with the sudden change of atmospheric pressure or structure. plus a list of other reasons.
I don't think Moses meant that the world was round. It was his view to describe man's surroundings.

Not that I'm discounting UFO sightings, encounters (LiZad,.... alien you, ah?) , abductions and the conspiracy theories that comes with it, why don't they FORMALLY present themselves? Obviously, to them with their intellect and ability to travel the cosmos, they can observe and see we're an advanced civilization. They can learn more about us by simple face-to-face meetings. It's not like as if they were exploring their own jungle , collecting sample flora and most especially primitive fauna to study.

There is a great possibility that there's an alien civilization out there. If UFO sightings and such are not true, they haven't been here simply because they are too far away, and that technology-wise, they haven't invented the "Warp Drive" yet. Their civilization might be at a stage like ours, using their own form of the Hubble, or maybe traveled as far as several suns from theirs . The galaxy is huge, man.
Another lame flame post made by the guy above, are you on a troll a day tour or something?
I'm not exactly sure which Bible you're reading, Paul. But Moses is not quoted as saying any such thing in any book of the Old Testament. So there is no "coincidence" there. But even if it was an actual quote, how do get from "Moses knew the earth was round" to "we're not alone in the universe"? Are you suggesting that Moses learned the shape of the earth from aliens? (Funny, that's how I learned Photoshop. Nanu Nanu!)
I came across a documentry called 'Zeitgeist' some months back. Its talked about the questions about the structuring of Pyramids of Egypt and especially the 'Giza' ones - how the Mayans, and people before them were able to construct the Pyramids with sheer precision and also the same shape/size of the building blocks.

There are lot of things which the documentry catered to - History, Politics, How money flow began, how taxes came into existence, The origin of Gods, Pyramids of Egypt, Mayans...

Has anyone seen the Zeitgeist Part 1 & 2 ?? Please share your thoughts..
The most common theory about life:

There are different things needed for a planet to develop life, It must be in the "life zone" this is an area around the sun where the temperature is stable enough for life to survive (the earth is in that zone).
A planet needs a good atmosphere as well, enough carbon-dioxide to keep the warmth at the planet (for example: mercurius is the closest planet to the sun, It has no atmosphere, the temperature at day is approximately 430 degrees (celcius)and at night -180 degrees (celcius) ) also there is enough trioxide (ozone) needed to protect life from the UV rays coming from the sun.
Enough water and oxygen is also needed, life can form under special circumstances out of an-organic molecules (see: Miller-Urey)
If it's possible here, I cannot see why there isn't other planets that have life (see also Gliese 581 c)

There is also a theory about life made out of other materials that Carbongroups but I don't know much about that
News today reported that in about 2023 there going to start sending people to permanently live on mars.
but it will be a 1 way trip so no going back to earth if you get home sick you have to stay there for the rest of your life.
News today reported that in about 2023 there going to start sending people to permanently live on mars.
but it will be a 1 way trip so no going back to earth if you get home sick you have to stay there for the rest of your life.

I already heard about this :) Wasn't it going to be called 'mars one'? It was supposed to be a mars trip and filmed (lifestream reality show), It's indeed a one way trip, finding a solution for a journey back to earth they would need to raise their budget to twice as much as they now have (120 billion dollars)
News today reported that in about 2023 there going to start sending people to permanently live on mars.
but it will be a 1 way trip so no going back to earth if you get home sick you have to stay there for the rest of your life.

should be used as a prison sentence for murderers and rapists then...
apologies, own opinion there, but they should be sent to mars with a limited supply of food and water and left to fend for themselves, to no avail, because they'll soon die anyway
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