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Crop tool - specify size of crop


Well-Known Member
When using crop tool it shows you the size in pixels that cropped area will be once you are drawing the box, but how can i specify exact size i want for instance i want crop box to be exactly 640x640px to crop the black box, if i type the size in upper left corner it will simply resize the cropped area to the size i have specified, but i need the crop box itself to resize to 640x640px any way to do it?


Here's template image.

Here are the steps I would take. I did leverage your image, starting with an 800x800 template with the smaller square internally:
Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 8.02.31 PM.jpg

I created a rectangular selection around the inner square with ratio 1:1 (though you could must do it manually by stretching instead).

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 8.02.54 PM.jpg

I used Cmd+J (Cnt;+J on PC) to copy and paste that piece to a layer on top:

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 8.03.04 PM.jpg

I Cmd + clicked (Cntl + clicked) on the new Layer thumbnail to create a selection around what was just pasted

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 8.03.16 PM.jpg

Cmd+T (Cntl + T on PC to open up the transform tools

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 8.03.25 PM.jpg

In the Options Bar I put in Height and Wdith 640 px so that increase the size to fit in the template.

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 8.03.59 PM.jpg

Then click on the accept checkmark:

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 8.05.18 PM.jpg

Note in general one can manually move and size with the Transform tool in case things are not lining up to the pixel in the image
Hope this helps
John Wheeler
Maybe I'm lost, but this seems like a lot of work to just resize a layer to fit a border!

If I know that the ID of the border is 640px x 640px then all I need to do is to create a 640px x 640px rectangle with the Rectangle Tool

Screen Shot 2024-01-31 at 9.38.36 PM.png

Select the Rectangle Tool.
Click in the center of the frame.
Fill in the dimensions....
Screen Shot 2024-01-31 at 9.39.05 PM.png

At the very least, I have created a 640px x 640px template that I can use for other things including cropping! Like cropping out the center area of the frame.
Screen Shot 2024-01-31 at 9.39.15 PM.png

But I could be misunderstanding what your desired outcome should be!
