I understand you read what i wrote earlier in this thread so I won't explain in detail.
1/ I went to channels, and chose the blue one (I keep my mind's eye on the result and choose with that in mind) Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+C to copy it. Back to master channel
2/ Back to layers palette. Ctrl+V to paste the channel in a layer. Add a layer mask. Alt-click on the layer mask to activate/show it and Ctrl+V to paste the greyscale-once-BlueChannel in here too.
side remark: observe the result with the coloured version below it!!!
3/ activate the background, go to channel mixer and check desaturate. Set channels appr. the same (each one third)
4/ Activate layer-with-mask and apply Unsharp Mask (indeed Mark, my trick too
) set to 500, 3, 0
5/ copy this layer
6/ top layer: activate mask and invert it. Apply levels, set to 0, 1,5, 140
7/ middle layer: activate mask (no inverse here) apply levels, set to 0, 3, 140
8/ change the top layer's mode to Multiply and the middle ones to LinearBurn
9/ now take a soft brush, not too small and paint black on the eyes and eyelids (see image) in the top layer so that they get lighter.
now do what I couldn't do here and grab that wacom pen and draw on a new layer that aura with a fine white brush (yes: mr Levant is patient and so should you be!)
flatten, and apply unsharp mask again, set to 70, 1, 0 (which I did)
You can fine-tune of course. For example: I wouldn't stay in grey, but apply a very(!!!) slight reddish brown hue to it.
And tweak the settings a bit, paint a bit more on the masks etc etc...
Mr. Levant's work is lighter. As I didn't select the head now (to be able to change the background), I kept the face itself also fairly dark. This also shows the technique much clearer.