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Cowboy Wasp Westener Chief


Well-Known Member
I thought this was kinda strange -this package of caps I bought for my son. Someday perhaps I will be a cowboy wasp westerner chief! }P 8} :D Ferlin
[confused] [confused] :bustagut: :bustagut: ...it goes to show there's something new learned every day! Perception is everything. :bustagut:
I guess their talking about different types of cap guns but the wording is filtered so deep from a different culture that it comes out awkward. Plus the cowboy has those big round western eyes.

Whats going to happen in 100 years with globalization. Will everything be homoginized? }:\ Ferlin
That is a bad typo! Should read *West East Sterner Chef*. ;)

The chell specker would never pick it up. :D

:bustagut: Well, in 100 years languages are bound to change pretty radically I'd bet...a real meld of different things that we might not hardly recognize if used today.....like in the scifi film "Blade Runner" only worse... :bustagut:...and Spanish/Asian mixtures ought to be real tongue-twisters! ;)
There is a site called "engrish" that has all kinds of real items manufactured overseas with typos and translation issues that make them hilarious to read! People send them stuff like this all the time. You might be the first to discover this one!
Thanks Ms Oz. I'll look it up. I got this from the dollar store. All kinds of unusual stuff there. :righton: Ferlin
I found the site. Hilarious :D :D :D And I thought I was wierd! These people are completly off the wall :D 8} 8} Ferlin

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