Like I wrote: your method is the fastest. But you are mixing things up. There is no way to say something is too blue because you have no point of reference. Only when the subject/model is sitting there you have a reference. And even then it depends on the light.
When I wrote that one cannot do colour corrections by numbers, I also reacted to the idea of using cmyk. (see thread in Gare's forum)
Curves and levels are different as I do not work with "this hue should be x more Red, Y more green and Z more blue", no: what I do is create myself a palette that offers me, in this case, 256 different shades of yellow because I know that no colour cast is limited to one specific hue of yellow. And I do not like generalisations like Photoshop does:"let's assume that there is one yellow...". If I restore a painting, I never can use that one single yellow straight out of the tube. I need a palette of yellow hues. And that is what curves offers me.
As for using lab: it encompasses all hues that can ever be displayed, and it has some great channels. In the first posting I only wanted to indicate a possible road. A road I always follow myself and one that I trust because it's wide and offers more options than any other I've ever tried out.
Of course, besides the b channel also the a channel and the lightness can be used. And do tell me: which other colour space allows you to see the greys separated from the colours? Which one is completely device-independant?
Yet finally, the result will always be a personal interpretation. And it has never been my intention to brag that my interpretation was, is or ever will be the best. In fact it's fascinating to see how many different "natural" skin colours can be seen in this thread. We all interpret differently, like I already said in the color correction by numbers thread. And if you're satisfied with one yellow as Photoshop's architects chose for you, go ahead. But do know that every skin colour needs yellow, and that you remove that also. On most monitors this will may indeed make little or no difference. Most aren't well calibrated. On a desktjet printer it matters even less as perhaps only two percent give exactly the colours that were seen on the monitor. And most people don't even know that they're interpreting, not even when they say: "this looks very natural to me." So they may not even see it.
People are free to use whatever method they choose. No problem there. But don't mix using curves in lab with using numbers in cmyk.
As for the argument that the method is too difficult for so called "amateurs": these forums are put online for people to learn and practise. Results do not have to be professional, but the better methods can be learned from the start, which, in due time, will become a great time saver, and give a better insight in quality. Which is all that counts.
Yet: speaking about numbers: there is indeed one reference we can look at: the white logo on his tee shirt. Perhaps that one could be approximately set to 255,255,255?
But yes: I need three minutes to get a result that pleases my eye. That extra time is, in my opinion, not wasted.