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Can no longer see icon/pic of jpg file when saved to desktop



Mac Pro, OS 10.8.4, PS CS6.

There is nothing where the icon should be - only the bottom title shows. Can only click and drag or open when using the title line.

Still works on PSE 8 so I assume something changed in the CS6.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Right-click your icon you'll see show view options click on show preview leave the check in the box
Or going to PS preferences under> file handling> Image preview show window thumbnail
Thx for your response - it is checked. I did notice something though. The jpgs I created before this started still save with the pic icon so something happened in the interim. I think it might have started right around the time I tried to add to Photoshop but I cannot remember what it was. I'm having too many Senior Moments lately. My work-a-round is to do the work in CS6 and save with no icon - then open in PSE and resave. This sucks but it also degrades the photo every time it is reserved....
Did you check the preferences in Photoshop
I mean did you right-click the image on the desktop see view options?
"Show icon preview" is checked - I left the word icon out of my previous reply - sorry. Should there be something that just says preview?

"Show item info" is unchecked. Apologize for taking so much of your time.
It should look like this with the right-click show view optionsScreen Shot 2013-08-06 at 8.04.51 PM.png
Make sure you have your desktop selected click on anywhere on the desktop left top corner should say finder then right-click your icon
YUP - The "Show item info" never was checked. Now, with both checked, I still have the problem. I also cleared out my "plug-ins" folder just in case I had a plug-in hosin' things up.

This is really frustrating for an old man......
Could you check the preferences in Photoshop
It sounds like you're not saving with a thumbnail option
No that is Finder not Photoshop, do you know where Photoshop preferences are
You have plenty ofRAM?if you don't have enough RAM it won't display the images eventually
