Well now, I haven't made my business phone calls yet . . . figures. Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow.
You ain't the only one who can quote iDaddio!
So, this next one is weird mostly because of the website where I found it. Must be a spoof. I'll post link and a couple ripe comments after my representation of these two famous PSG Gurus. Probably should post this for Challenge 8!
Here's the rest of the stuff . . .
. . .
Investigators found several pillowcases filled with rocks, beer bottles, and even knives. In one particularly noteworthy case, there was a pillow case which contained multiple sawed-off shotguns. None of the pillowcases contained feathers or any other conventional pillow fillings.
This is still not the worst thing to happen in the TriDelt activity room,” said Megan Trombley. “I still shudder when I think of that Twister game we played last year…so many broken bones.”
Smart co-ed huh? NM the 7 dead. Those poor twister victims with their broken bones. Remind me never to send any of my children's children nor their friends, cousins, aunts, nieces, etc. to this sorority house!