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AVATAR WARS III -Revenge of the Gurus

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An Apple a day keeps the guessing away
Oh no, you've got Paul all ajitter . . .

this is like those teaser billboards when a new product is coming out, like Altoids

we're waaaaaiting
Lol just looked at this one, good Deep vein thrombosis :bustagut:
You do know who that great man is don't you Clare?
That's Bob Ross one of Americas first show and tell TV artists, i am amazed you have never seen him on re runs over there, i have watched his shows in England as well as here in Oz?

Hes dead now (god bless) but he was such a great guy to watch and just listen to, so full of the good things in life.
Bob Ross was the Bruce lee of painting. I swear, watching the man growing up... Little bit of paint on his palette knife, 4 strokes and BAMF! there's a friggen mountain range. Break out the fan brush, put some paint on it and ZAPOW!! you have a forest so lifelike you can smell the pine. He was a true legend.
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