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Adding bleed space - need faster way.


Power User
Hi :) I have a question which I'm fighting with for several years. Daily I work as car wrap designer so a lot of my projects are cut by cutting plotters.
Every work I create has to be made of tiff file with bleed and a vector .eps file containing cut line.

the problem is sometimes client wants shapes so abstract that ContentAwareFill just cant do the trick.
same with active selection and Cmd+Alt+ arrow keys while selection is still active because sometimes art ic made of several floating objects.

(I hope I'm describing it enough, sorry for my bad english :) )

here are the images to show you what I mean:

01. main image

02. cut line
03. final work

As you can look closer bleed spreads in every direction uniformly:


I know I can use smudge, yes in example like above. but If I have tree with many many leaves floating.. I should manually smudge bleed of every leaf.

Question is:
Do you have "automated" solution? plugin? action? script? or just different idea than CAFill, smudge tool, or pixel shifting?

Thank you :)
The question is how to create those "extended" pixels, they have to match color and can't suddenly became blurry.
The question is how to create those "extended" pixels, they have to match color and can't suddenly became blurry.
Is that all you need to do now....just get a bunch of pixels on that outline?

If so, we've tackled something similar before....try this and see if it fits with your circumstances.

Make a copy of your original layer before anything else.

It looks as if you have the means to create a marquee around the vehicles so you're halfway there already......and that's where to start.....with a good clean marquee.

1. Copy and paste the cars to a new layer, or remove the background.....whichever is easier for you...just as long as you end up with transparency around the area you want to 'extend'.

2. Apply a 'Stroke' fx to those pixels.....make it Black, 1 or 2 px at most and set to 'Inside'.

3. Set the 'FILL' of that layer to zero.....you should now have just the stroke showing.

4. Make a marquee from the stroke......you could use any channel to do this....they will all be the same.

5. Then turn OFF the stroke layer.

6. Turn ON your original layer........make sure its the active layer.

7. Copy the pixels and paste to a new layer.....or Ctrl + J.

That will give you a 1 or 2px outline with exactly the same colours as the original.
It sounds as if you've got the rest covered so hopefully this is all you need now.

The final effect : when I duplicate original layer with selection created by stroke I get 1 or 2px smaller outcome or if I inverse selection before duplicating - 1px or 2px border made of original pixels or maybe I missed something?

The effect I want to achieve is add pixels.. or "grow" just edge pixels.
here I just have original layer on top, and transform/transform again by 101% layer blow which contain same pixels, here it works like a charm :) but in example like below you can see pixels are "growing" from center which is logical :) And this is what I want to avoid.
By now I have created action which outcome sometimes is enough.. and sometimes.. just not ok:P here is result of using my action:

Try this:

Make the layer with your object isolated on a transparent background.
Convert it to Smart object.
Select the layer's transparency(Ctrl-Click it in Layers panel).
Invert the selection.
With selection still active apply Filter->Other->Minimum with the bleed width you want.
That is exactly what I'm using in my action, but it spreads pixels mainly in four ways like: ~45°. but still useful for smooth images, with the complex ones not always do the magic ;)

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