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Adding attractive Watermark on a picture


Well-Known Member
Hello Forum members!

Nice to be here and hope I would get all my issues resolved of Photoshop CS5 :).

Who can teach me to create a great looking watermark for myself on pictures? Actually I own a Facebook page and want to add my watermark to the pictures I upload to avoid others copying and uploading it to their pages. For reference, I'm attaching a watermark picture I liked a lot and would appreciate creating a similar kind of watermark.



  • Photoshop Newbies - Post New Thread.png
    Photoshop Newbies - Post New Thread.png
    96.9 KB · Views: 36
hi splash104,
The only thing i'm noticing in that example is that it's a logo with blending mode outerglow
and fill at 0%

So all that's left for you is to make a logo and put outerglow percentage to your desire and go to fill put it on 0%
Actually I would want an almost similar logo and watermark apart from the text. Any help in creating this type of logo and watermark would be appreciable since I'm a just a starter at PS.
Get the circular marquee tool and draw out a circle right click it and select stroke path depending on the pixel size will effect how thick the circle is,

Repeat this for the other 2 circles.

Now select the square marquee tool and draw the rectangle going through the center and repeat the same steps for stroking the path.

Type in the square what you want.

Select the circular marquee tool again draw where you want the text right click and select create work path

Select the text tool and position it near the work path until you see the follow path cursor flash insted (google text on a path tutorials) and type your text.

Ow ok,

- Bring in the example to photoshop and create a new layer
- Use Elipse marquee tool and create a circle (I started with the circle in the middle)
- try and get it the same size as the example and click the right mousebutton and choose 'stroke'
- In the stroke menu choose width '3px' and click Ok
- Do the same for the outer circle
- Now for the square, create a new layer
- Choose rectangular marquee tool and do the same as with the circles
- Deselect it with Ctrl + D and rotate it, if nescessary scale it..
- Create a text with the 'horizontal type tool', type in your desired name, rotate, scale and place it in the square
- Go to your layer palet check off all the visibility's (those eyes) except for the square layer and the text layer
- right click on the square layer and click on 'merge visible'
- click once on the circle layer and erase inside the square to get rid of the circle parts
(don't worry you wont erase the square parts because that layer isn't selected)
- Now you can merge the circle layer and the square layer
- right click your merged layers and click on blending mode
- Click on outer glow, choose color white, and put the size on 10px and click ok
- finally go to where your layers are and there you'll see fill (right under opacity) put it on 0%
and voila here is the result you should have
(I put in blue background so you can see it beter)


hope this helped!
Thanx all will definitely try it out and let you guys know how it came out or need any further help. By the way, it would be better if there was a Video section on this forum with all the how-to videos uploaded making it easier to understand :wink:
we are able to embed youtube videos

Just use this embed code. [video]url link goes here to youtube or vimeo etc [/video but use use the close bracket at the end.

however it is very well doing this if someone is prepared to make them I have made several tuts in the past just for here as I find it easier and quicker to do it record it and then share it than it is to spend 10 posts trying to explain things. But as it stands I am just to busy at the moment.
Hey mate I have lost it from this part :rolleyes:. I did manage to create my logo similar to yours above. Please help after this as I can't seem to select the desired layers and make changes etc.

- Go to your layer palet check off all the visibility's (those eyes) except for the square layer and the text layer
- right click on the square layer and click on 'merge visible'
- click once on the circle layer and erase inside the square to get rid of the circle parts
(don't worry you wont erase the square parts because that layer isn't selected)
- Now you can merge the circle layer and the square layer
- right click your merged layers and click on blending mode
- Click on outer glow, choose color white, and put the size on 10px and click ok
- finally go to where your layers are and there you'll see fill (right under opacity) put it on 0%
and voila here is the result you should have
(I put in blue background so you can see it beter)

hope this helped!
Try saving your progress and restart photoshop and see if you still have that problem?

what I mean is that I have lost the plot on the layers and stuff I can't seem to understand because my layers don't seem to merge. When I click a particular layer for example, it selects some part of the logo ALONG with the whole canvas!
Are you sure you created a layer before you drew on it? because if that's the case your gonna have to restart.. If not I really don't have a clue what went wrong then :s
splash, how much training and experience do you have in Photoshop? I think your problems with tackling this type of project come from trying to learn all new techniques all at once and you are bound to go wrong somewhere. Why don't you upload your psd so we can get a better idea of where you are stuck.
