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Specific Add higher resolution for printing

Hello, my resolution is to low in this picture. Can you increase the resolution for best quality print?

Cornerstone Logo w-o Scripture.png
Hi @bbbiddle
There may be some confusion about the terminology and your request. Resolution has to do with the pixel dimensions of the image. Your image's pixel dimensions are 3300 by 1500, which would be good for a high-resolution photograph of 11 inches by 5 inches. Larger size images actually don't need as high a pixels per inch since they are typically viewed from further away.

So a couple of questions.
- Do you need more pixels in the image, and if so, how large an image are you trying to print/display
- If you are referring to the image not appearing sharp enough, that can be addressed another way. The image looks great to me as is, yet knowing more specifics for which you are trying to achieve will help forum members help you.
John Wheeler
Here is your version of the image with the same resolution, but I added a 2-pixel black stroke around the edges, which gives the perception that it is sharper.
Is this what you want or something else?
John Wheeler

Hi John,

Thank you so much for the detailed explanation regarding the resolution and pixel dimensions.

Your image of the sharper look is what I was looking for.

Thanks again for your assistance!

