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A Gaming Request Please :)

Thankyou again Jess.
On Motorstorm, could you make the "APO" of Apocalypse abit easier to read please?
The Hot Pursuit is pretty sweet :D
No worries Abdul, thanks for what you did do.

Current list:
Saw II
Sniper: Ghost Warrior
Tekken 6
Terminator Salvation
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Uncharted 3
Wanted: Weapons of Fate
Battle: Los Angeles
Thanks Matt, I went with Jess's though, as it goes well with the Saw II image. Makes it look more 'together' :)
Thanks again Jess. If I want a quadrillionaire, I'd pay you for them too :P
That Tekken picture might be my favourite that you've done :D
Everytime I platinum a game, I'm just gonna come here to ask for someone to make it.

Final request actually Jess. I need a main banner for the Checklist.
It needs, "ChrisValentine" in a flowing font. And the image has to have a dark, eerie feel to it ;) GO GO GO!!! :D
Oh, this can be slightly taller, so 600 X abit bigger than before. <--- went technical....



Didn't give me too much direction, so hope that's around what you're looking for. Also couldn't decide between these fonts. Let me know if I completely missed the mark, lol.
I like:

That font.

My checklist is called TheValentineTrophyMassacre. So something messed up

That with ChrisValentine, in the above font, but red.
Then make the image more eerie, real looking blood down the walls... Silent Hill style?
Dunno, something for you to mess around with :)
Maybe like that guy has walked through the tunnel and massacred people, just leaving behind blood marking? I dunno, lol
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Thanks Hoogle! That means a lot coming from you :P You truly are a Guru!



I would say I agree with Hoogle, not a lot of people would make someone this many banners for free! Luckily the subject matter interested me or else I never would have opened the thread :)

Anyways, here are two choices. I liked the idea of the first one, but not sure the text is all that readable, so I made a plain one with the name on the bottom just in case. Hope it's to your liking.
Thanks for posting the link! I see the banner I made has met good reviews! It's awesome seeing all the images in one place and I even enjoyed reading your reviews.

I still hate Black Ops though! (;

P.S. If that's your tattoo in your avatar, it's ***** awesome.
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That must have taken forever O_O Looks awesome.

Yeah Matt, that was the first time I used the Vanishing Point filter. It kind of made me mad because it made the text a little pixelated, but ah well. Not bad for the first time.

P.S. Sorry Hoogle for the filtered profanity. I got a little excited there ;)
