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A few of my pics.

Katie Meadows

I really enjoy photography. I am currently saving up for a nice cannon mark II, but, my cam doesn't do too bad. I am eating ready to start photography courses so hopefully my skills will continue to improve.

My daughter right after she learned to crawl on her knees last month.

kaylee-crawl by KatieBunny317, on Flickr

My precious little girl:

kaylee-tutu by KatieBunny317, on Flickr

kaylee-daddy-July by KatieBunny317, on Flickr

kaylee-jul9 by KatieBunny317, on Flickr

My son, Kaden, typical that he's dirty, he has practically lived outside since our plum tree has fruited. He's heartbroken now that they are gone. This was just too cute not to capture.

kaden-plum by KatieBunny317, on Flickr

Kaden is my little country boy, he sheds his shirt when he starts getting hot. He & is daddy are best buddies and spend every afternoon catching lightning bugs and playing.

kaden-daddy-july by KatieBunny317, on Flickr

Any advice, what to work with, what to improve upon. These are created with various actions and I use curves, brightness & contrast, levels, & exposure to manually correct colors/brightness.
Hi Katie

Nice pictures, only thing, some of the pics are too dark, try balancing the shadows, I'm not an pro photographer but just my thoughts,

Lovely kids by the way, they are adorable.
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I agree, that is one thing I'm trying to learn. I'm not 100% sure on how to fix the problem.

And thanks, I think they're pretty cute myself. A non-biased opinion and all. LOL
You have a DSLR currently?
Advice would be shoot with histogram on review for your shots. You can see if you've blown a shot out or underexposed.
Always over compensate for frame size. You can always crop in.
Always shoot in Raw if you can
With processing or editing -Less is better- Invisible is best

That's a handful of advice I got when first learning.
Oops forgot. Your pics are good, you need to back out more. Your angles is great. Kids and animals are usually more powerful or connecting of a image when eye level. Like to see more and thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the advice. I am just starting out but I'm watching and trying out hours of tutorials every day now. So hopefully all of this will benefit me, it has certainly been inspiring. I was looking at your threads earlier, your pictures are beautiful!
Advice would be shoot with histogram on review for your shots. You can see if you've blown a shot out or underexposed.

maybe the most dangerous advise to give to someone new, trying to learn...

learn to trust your meter... 95% of the time...
then... know when you meter will be confused on the remaining 5%...
all cameras have meters... always have, always will...

I can show you thirty different histograms...
all completely different looking, shapes and sizes... and... all perfect exposures...

histograms fall into the "bells & whistles" category... perfect for the camera salesman...
visually exciting... extremely difficult to understand how subtly different they can be...

your other advise is very much... spot-on...
maybe the most dangerous advise to give to someone new, trying to learn...

learn to trust your meter... 95% of the time...
then... know when you meter will be confused on the remaining 5%...
all cameras have meters... always have, always will...

I can show you thirty different histograms...
all completely different looking, shapes and sizes... and... all perfect exposures...

histograms fall into the "bells & whistles" category... perfect for the camera salesman...
visually exciting... extremely difficult to understand how subtly different they can be...

your other advise is very much... spot-on...

I guess I should have been more clear..a luminosity histogram. But fair enough, it helped me tons where using external flashes and such alter your final product. Either way my thoughts are take it or leave it type of advice.

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