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  1. U

    How to Edit Empty Text Layer?

    Take a text layer. Delete all the text. How do you select it again to add text to it?
  2. H

    Photoshop save action

    Hello ,couldnt find the answer ,mby just blind. So I got (for example) an book page ,must select 1 letter and save as the png with name (for example) image-001 ,then select second letter and save as image-002, I got an action to the point of saving but then cant find how to make it automate the...
  3. S

    Content Aware Scale Negative Weight - Feature Removed?

    When using content aware scale, you can select a channel to protect. But this video shows a feature where you can select an area to remove instead. Is this feature present in CS6 somewhere? It looks like a very useful tool, and quite different effect than just a fill. *ignore "feature removed"...
  4. T

    Illustrator Bold Text in Adobe Illustrator

    Apologies in advance, I am an Adobe Illustrator novice and am having an extremely difficult time transforming the Myriad Pro text into bold headers for my document. When I follow the steps posted online, I get an 'inkblot' shape, rather than bold text: 1. Select text using 'V' 2. type -> create...
  5. pslane

    Another question already? About masks

    This is not about layer masks. I call them external masks, but anyway, I once had a good website that explained exactly to apply them and now I can't get that website up. Maybe you can help. I know I have to select all and paste the mask to my image but after that I'm stumped. (layer blend...
  6. L

    "Select a path in the paths pallete" - how to?

    I'm trying to learn how to "storke" a path. First, I define a path (using the pen tool) consisting of only two anchor points (both corners), and Photoshop draws me a thin line between them with little squares on top of each ot the two points. Now, I want to "STROKE" this line with one of the...
  7. M

    wacom intuos 5 wireless

    hi I have decided to use my Wacom tablet more I have watched a lot of videos on how to set up the express keys, the problem is when I go back into ps cc the keys that I have saved do different actions? when I select for a new layer it starts the pen selection tool? could this a Photoshop...
  8. D

    Photoshop cc question

    I'm attempting photoshop cc trial and I can't get a photo to go onto a blank background for editing It will edit on the photo itself but how can I get the pic to go on the background? It just overrides the previous picture and put the newer selection on top (if I select new background it come up...
  9. K

    Selecting help

    Hello, guys, I have a question. So i select an object with a magic wand tool then I simply delete it using content-aware option, but as you can see, the edges of the object still exists after I delete it. What do I do wrong here? Maybe I select the object not full enough? I look forward to hear...
  10. S

    How do I select a specific value range in an image?

    I have a microscope image below, and I would like to select all the grey long blobs on the image, and get how many pixels they are. I was thinking about selecting a specific value range, but I do not know how to accomplish that. Could someone give me some suggestions to make a value range...
  11. S

    Frequency separation issues

    Hi Guys I am new to photoshop and trying to learn frequency separation technique. I watched many tutorials on internet and tried to copy each and every step but things are not working form me. I think I have some settings issue somewhere. I create 2 copies of my picture and rename them as low...
  12. R

    How to increase the sensitivity of magic wand tool? Help Needed

    Maybe this isn't the right question to be asking but hopefully once I explain the situation what I'm trying to fix will make more sense (I also apologize if this is being posted incorrectly, this is my first time): I have a web-comic that I do just as a personal project for fun. I have...
  13. A

    Automatically detect and select a circle/circular area

    I'm looking for a way to batch process thousands of images. Is there a way for Photoshop to automatically detect the circular area I need select? The problem is that the images are different sizes and the circle is not going to be in the exact same spot every time. Also, as you will see in the...
  14. P

    Photoshop's Magic Wand Tool or Quick Select Tool

    Hi, what's better when trying to make a selection in Photoshop, Magic Wand or Quick Select. MrTom gave me some help with Quick Select but I was wondering what the difference was. Does one do a better job at somethings than the other? Thanks
  15. B

    Bitmap simple selection copy and pasting issue

    Hi everyone, I'm currently having an issue for when i use the lasso, quick selection or the magic wand tool. when i select something and copy and paste to a new layer or just copy it, it selects too few pixels and it is quite annoying. some pictures are below for an easier time contemplating...
  16. W

    Layer via Cut/Copy Issue

    Hi all, I am a new member and still very much a beginner with Photoshop. I've got some basic things down but have not touched much of the advanced stuff. I'm having a problem when I select a particular part of an image with Quick Select or Magic Wand. Once I copy to new Layer or even a new...
  17. P

    a question about creating new layer and putting the "Selected area" in the new layer

    hello, perhaps my question is simple and I tried for it but I do not know the solution. I open an image and I select the balloon by " Lasso tools" and then I by right-click I choose the "select inverse",. Because I want to delete the sky by pressing the delete button and I am successful for do...
  18. M

    Illustrator Black Selection Arrow Won't Let Go With Wacom Tablet

    This is a problem I've had with several versions of Illustrator ( currently CC 2014) across multiple computers with more than one tablet (currently latest Intuos Pro) and driver installs. When I use the black select arrow to click select an object on the art board it acts as if I'm clicking and...
  19. H

    replace content of smart object by variables(data sheet)

    I have about 15 smart objects in my photoshop file and I also have more than 200 pictures that needed to be replaced in those layers and be saved.Data sets doesn't display pixed replacement for smart objects.What's the solution?I used to select every smart object and select replace content and...
  20. T

    I'm tearing my hair trying to figure out how to select one of these bottles.

    I have a project where I'm supposed to select one of these chili bottles, then delete the bottle, make it look as if the bottle is a full bottle of chili with no label (which I'm assuming I'll do using the cloning stamp and healing patch), then I have to design four unique labels and put them...