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  1. Vafann

    Photoshop Webdesign info request

    Hello! I am wondering if anyone knows where I can find tutorials and things about designing websites in photoshop? I mean extreme baby newbie step-by-step basic stuff lol. I would like to try, but I don´t have a clue how to do it, and I would also like to know if anyone also knows where I...
  2. W

    Request: Replacing someones head/face with another persons face

    Any takers to help me out? I'm having issues with the program. I thought it would be easier to change the person in a picture, well just the head, but im having difficulties. its for a school project. Respond if you can. I am a new member so i cant post the pictures yet, the board wont let me.
  3. F

    Request - Get rid of background color

    Hi, Would someone be able to help me get rid of the background color in this illustration. I am new to photoshop or any other program for that matter. Did try to laso it, that didn't work. I need the middle baroque only.
  4. L

    [request] tattoo on background of white

    I've been wanting this tattoo on a background of white for some time now and since I am uncapable of doing it myself I have came with the request of one of you making this. Here is the base picture on the far right there should be a perfect view. Thanks in advance.
  5. J

    [REQUEST] iPhone GIF

    Hey guys.. Could you please make a GIF for me. Have no idea how to make them :'( Using this image. (http://c2499022.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Apple-iPhone-4-17-million.jpg) Could you please remove the screens on the iPhones and then replace them...
  6. S

    [Request] Photoshop - Just a quick one (hopefully!)

    Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone could put a head on a body? I need one of these heads, to be in the background below and replace the other head in the photo. The final image doesn't need to be very big, minimum 5cm x 5cm Please try make it as realistic as possible! You can use either...
  7. A

    [Request] Photoshop me with Hitler, Gaddafi, Saddam & Bin Laden.

    Can someone photoshop Bin Laden, Gaddafi, Hitler and Saddam In this pic? I want it to look as Im just chillin' by the pool with them Im the guy in shorts, make it funny :P i313.photobucket.com/albums/ll366/fabioalmeida/Fotografia0308.jpg (couldn't add link...just join the http code to the...
  8. A

    [Request] From What I've Seen It'll Probably Be A Piece Of Cake For You All

    These are 5 patches. The first 4 were professionally made by some artist in a game studio. The fifth was made by a friend of mine who isn't very good at photoshop. Some background; These emblems are for different teams in a video game. Neptune (SEALs), Wolfpack (Delta Force), Rangers, and...