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  1. D

    Greetings from not so sunny Sydney

    Hi there all, I have hap PS for a few years now, and really I've only been a dabbler. Over the last few months I have got more serious, and am loving the learning process! Cheers
  2. E

    Changing a plain background

    How can I simply change the colour of the background to the letter in this pic/scan from white to black, (not easy to see, but when I open it on my PC it shows the a white background, the colour of the inner lid of the scanner) If its not a simple process, how do I crop the letter so just the...
  3. gautamz07

    Blurred form background .

    Hey guys have a look at the below form , how was it created ? , i got this one on google ... i am more interested in the background , is it just a image that been blurred ?? or is it something thats more then a one step process. I know it should be something easy , but just taught i should ask ...
  4. L

    What Process Was Used To Get This Effect?

    Can anyone please identify what effect was done here and how this effect was applied to this photo (not my photo)? Thanks!!
  5. M

    Scripting Photoshop Scripting Issues

    Hey guys! Just a question here, I want to run a script or batch process, but I haven't a clue when it comes to this sort of stuff. I was wondering, if possible, could I set up a batch/script so that I can increase the hue of a mask in incriments of 1, and then export them into a selected...
  6. L

    Hello lovely people! PCS6: StValentines - Batch Processing - Creating Calendar

    Hello everyone! I came upon this forum which seemed the best place to post a not trivial nor too tricky (I hope) question I had, which furthermore is quite urgent as you can guess from the tile. My name is Lionel, I am 21, I am excited about anything new, I dream of doing smth useful for the...
  7. A

    Hi all Newbie here

    I been playing with Photoshop for years and use it mainly for post process my images . I am looking forward to learn more and connect with others .
  8. P

    Photoshop for video: cannot complete rendering after a NIK filter applied.

    Hi, this my first post. I saw recently a video (YTube) with Scott Kelby called "7 Steps for Photographers on Editing Video in Adobe Photoshop CC". After importing a small 30 seconds sequence from a Canon 5DMIII, convert the sequence For Smart Filters and applied a NIK/Google filter (testes with...
  9. I

    Looking for help with the process of downloading

    Hello, I work at a school where we have purchased CS5.5 and I am downloading it onto Mac laptops. The process is extremely painstaking as the first download takes around an hour, and I discovered that if I line up more downloads, each one takes progressively longer. I need to download onto 40...