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  1. V

    Need help adding light beams to a face

    Hey all im trying to create the same exact effect as in my picture below , how would I go about doing this:
  2. V

    After Effects Adding a background using AE

    Hi Guys, I do a little bit of animation using 3dsmax and I was recently told not to use 3dsmax as the render to footage tool but to rather render to PNG and then use AE to compose the clip - that way getting more control over your final product ... which I can understand. However, when I...
  3. JustThisGood

    Adding a motion trail to a person in a Photo!

    Hey PSG, hope you enjoy this tutorial.
  4. JustThisGood

    REMOVING an unwanted TATTOO! (+adding one!)

    Guy told me he didnt like his tat, so i helped him see what it would look like
  5. C

    Slices In PS CS5 "Separating" In Dreamweaver When Adding Video(Flash, Quicktime, etc)

    Hope to make sense. First website. First, I started by working with a template in DW, but decided to give PS and slicing a try. Went well, and Saved For Web. It's fine, until I try and add video, and the "Slices" just separate, when trying to add it to the body(Either by html or using "Insert"...
  6. C

    Adding a white layer only on text?

    So I have a transparent background with text that says "Hobby Forum". This text has a blue and black gradient over it, but I want it to have that half-oval shape of white on it to make it lighter on top and the regular gradient on the bottom. How do i do that without having the white on...
  7. A

    Request: Adding a little ambiance?

    I'll give this one a shot myself.
  8. D

    Adding a photo as a new background

    I need help with adding a photo I found on the net of a sports arena as the new background. When I drag the portrait I want to put in the new background the size is too large. It won't let me resize the portrait or the background for everything to fit appropriately. I tried changing the...
  9. M

    Adding gradinet to warped area. How ??

    Adding gradient to warped area. How ?? While I've used PS for a couple years now, I'd still consider myself a total newbie. (Up until recently, the extent of my usage has been resizing and auto-color-balance.):) Anyhow, I started my image with by just using the selector tool to make a...
  10. M

    Adding drama to a picture

    Hello I'd like to add some "drama" to the attached picture. Could anyone give me some advice on how to do it?? Thanks!!
  11. SeniorS

    Adding filter to Bridge?

    Hello! How to add filter (i kinda need to filter images by colormode) to Brige's filter panel? Is it possible? I can't find that option but maybe just looking in wrong place.