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  1. L

    Problem With Liquify

    No it has Svid out, comp out. I find the colours to be more realistic compared to the nvidia geforce series. It is also fantastic for my other weakness .. playing games - even at the tender age of 28 I can't resist ;) The card was ?113 from www.novatech.co.uk. If your thinking of...
  2. L

    Problem With Liquify

    Well I just bought myself a brand new card, an ATI 9500 - and guess what ... it's fixed! :D
  3. L

    Problem With Liquify

    Yeh I've tried shutting it down numerous times. I'll try a re-install when I can be bothered :) Thanks for all the help people.
  4. L

    Problem With Liquify

    That's how you do it! - I've been around computers for years and I never knew how that worked, thanks! Right, this first image is the finished article - (I copied the tutorial, that's why it's pretty good :) ) http://www.angelfire.com/tn3/liquidsun/fire.jpg This second one is the above...
  5. L


    Ahh yeh, it was the opacity setting I was forgetting. So much to store in so little space :{
  6. L


    Hi Me again .. I'm trying to add radial gradients to get a few bubbles on the screen but each time I do a new one they cover the last. Thanks
  7. L

    Problem With Liquify

    Hmm it's quite bizarre! I'm trying to do the fire text tutorial from photoshop techniques.com When I'm in liquify mode, I've selected the right tool (warp) and I'm pulling the flames out of the top of the text. In the liquify window it looks all messed up but when I click 'OK' the image...
  8. L

    Problem With Liquify

    Hi When I try to use this tool recently, instead of being able to bend and stretch the image it seems to "black it out". It's hard to explain, but it leaves a black block rather than mixing the colours. Maybe I've hit a setting unintentionally .. Any ideas?
  9. L

    New Fonts

    Ahh, I was trying to place them into my photoshop dir! Thanks :)
  10. L

    New Fonts

    Hi Where do I place new fonts that I have just downloaded? [saywhat] Thanks
  11. L

    What Am I doing Wrong Here?

    Thanks for the welcome. Even though this site and the internet has some superb tutorials I'm still thinking of buying a book. I've seen the book by the Adobe team that looks pretty good, any other recommendations? Thanks
  12. L

    What Am I doing Wrong Here?

    Hi I'm just letting you see my first ever image I've created :) I'd say it was simple to do but I can't for the life of me remember what I did, I was just playing with lighting and stuff :D It's not very good but it made me happy to create it. Anyway, here it is...
  13. L

    What Am I doing Wrong Here?

    I think you get up too early ;) g'night
  14. L

    What Am I doing Wrong Here?

    ahh that's better, thanks! Morning !?! I'm nearly ready for bed here, it's 22:30 :)
  15. L

    What Am I doing Wrong Here?

    Hi I've been trying out this xbox logo tutorial http://www.opticnurve.com/tutorials_xbox.aspx Now I was doing alright up untill step 3. I had the right shading but it covered the whole background and not just in the circle. Also I managed to get the 3 shapes in step 4 but when it...
  16. L

    Essential 'extras' ?

    Hello I stumbled accross this place in my search for all things 'newbie', it seems a friendly, informative place so I think I'll hang around a while. Being (totally) new to pshop I was wondering what are the essential extras that you all use, things like Styles(I don't actually know how to...