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  1. A

    Specific Photoshop request: Put two persons in one frame/together

    Just beautiful edit mate thanks a lot bro just a request only if possible can you make boy holding the hand of girl and other hand on back of girl since girl is streching hand and dancing like they are looking each other only if possible or if this request is not possible kindly keep the second...
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    Specific Photoshop request: Put two persons in one frame/together

    Hello Great editors can someone put girl and boy together in one frame like boy is holding hand of girl and dancing together with a girl in a bar/club background if possible kindly keep girl and boy only removing background person from girl pic they were dancing together but photographer forgot...
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    Specific Faceswap #7

    no issues bro thanks a lot for doing
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    Specific Faceswap #7

    for fun only
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    Specific Faceswap #8

    and i am always grateful to editors doing my request i know you guys are doing for free so i am thankful to you its just that what i said earlier i am repeating and if its not possible let me know no issues i will request different pic
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    Specific Faceswap #8

    what inappropriate thing i said brother i asked same thing that i asked initially is it something wrong initially i said i want second pic woman hairstyle to be kept thats only iam saying obly if possible??
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    Specific Faceswap #8

    bro hairstyle i said to keep of shiny dress woman only face of blue dress woman you needed to swap also therse is shine and glow on second pic woman face that if you can antain on blud=e dress woman face than it would be good
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    Specific Faceswap #7

    bro hairstyle i asked to keep of black dress woman only just face you need to swap of blue dress woman
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    Specific Faceswap #8

    Thanks a lot bro for trying but it would be great if you used photoshop for editing instead of ai little bit face skin tone in not matching with shiny dress women face
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    Specific Faceswap #7

    Thanks a lot for trying bro but it would be better if you pasted her entire face then it would be more realistic
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    Specific Faceswap #8

    Can someone please add (swap) the face of the woman in the first photo with blue dress on to the woman in the second photo with shiny outfit keeping the shiny outfit woman hairstyle intact? Thanks! first photo second photo
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    Specific Faceswap #7

    Can someone please add (swap) the face of the woman in the first photo with blue dress on to the woman in the second photo with black outfit keeping the black dress woman hairstyle intact? Thanks! first photo second photo
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    Specific Faceswap #6

    thankyou very much @chisdesign bro
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    Specific Faceswap #6

    thanks alot babine bro for doing my request
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    Specific Faceswap #6

    Can someone please add (swap) the face of the woman in the first photo with blue dress on to the woman in the second photo with pink outfit keeping the pink dress woman hairstyle intact? Thanks! first photo second photo
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    Specific Faceswap #5

    It's almost perfect bro thanks a lot just if you could reduce boy size I mean he is looking bigger than picture his bface is appearing to come out of photo if you edit that than it would be perfect
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    Specific Faceswap #5

    Thanks for trying bro if you could remove extra yellowishness and make guy hand appear on top of womans shoulder than this edit will be perfect bro
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    Specific Faceswap #5

    hello guys Can someone please put this guy from image 1 into image 2 so that it appears guy in image 1 is posing with girl in image 2 by replacing original guy in image 2. every effort is appreciated its just compltely replacing guy in second pic that is posing with girls by first solo image guy.
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    Specific Faceswap #4

    perfect outstanding mindblowing mesmerizing just perfect brother thanks a lot you are editing skills are top notch thanks for sparing valuable time of yours to create this masterpice truly appreciated:inlove:
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    Specific Faceswap #4

    Can someone please put this guy from image 1 into image 2 so that it appears guy in image 1 is posing with girls in image 2 by replacing original guy in image 2. every effort is appreciated its just compltely replacing guy in second pic that is posing with girls by first solo image guy.