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  1. C

    Adobe Online Training (Element K) / Lynda.com

    Thank you, Gasussian! I'd just like to thank you for giving us the link to VTC. I signed up for both lynda.com as well as VTC in order to compare the courses. While lynda has some nice tutorials, too, VTC just offers so much more. Besides lots of PS tutorials, you also have many other...
  2. C

    color settings: web graphics default looks to dark

    Yes, I turned the color management off, because the grpahics appear too dark, when I use the "web graphics deafualt" color setting". I'd like to know, why this is or whether others have experienced the same. Thanks!
  3. C

    color settings: web graphics default looks to dark

    When I choose the "web graphics default" in my color settings, all graphics look way too dark on my LCD. When I turn the color management off, it looks like it's supposed to look (comparing with other computers / monitors). Now, I'm completely confused ... Could someone shed some light...
  4. C

    Adobe Online Training (Element K) / Lynda.com

    Gaussian, you're right, thanks for clearing that up! I used the direct link to the VTC Photoshop section you gave us in another thread and did not realize that they offer other topics as well. I think, both sites offer a great value for the price, but you're right, seems like you get more...
  5. C

    Adobe Online Training (Element K) / Lynda.com

    That's what I thought, too. The VTC course looks great, too, but as I completely switched from Macromedia Studio MX to Adobe's Web Collection (with the exception of Flash MX), lynda.com is really a great resource for the price.
  6. C

    Photoshop Training by CD's

    Great! I'll sign up now. Thanks a lot for your help.
  7. C

    Photoshop Training by CD's

    Hi Erwin, thanks for the link! Lucky me has a cable connection, but is too dumb to find the PS VTM download link. ;\ Can you give me a hint? Thanks again! Marcus
  8. C

    Adobe Online Training (Element K) / Lynda.com

    Thanks for your feedback, Julie! I just signed up for lynda.com a few hours ago and hope, I'll be able to learn a lot from the tutorials. I just wonder why there is not introduction to PS7. As a new PS user, I don't know, if there's a big difference between PS6 (for which there are newbe...
  9. C

    Adobe Online Training (Element K) / Lynda.com

    Having read http://www.photoshopgurus.info/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2178, I got interested in online training / movie tutorials. Has anyone tried Adobe's (Element K's) online training? If yes, would you mind sharing your experience? http://adobe.elementk.com/educate/adobe/home/trycourse.asp...
  10. C

    Photoshop Training by CD's

    Both VTC and Totaltraining look good. Thanks for the links! Here is another CD set in the price range of VTC: http://store.yahoo.com/designsbymark/marphot7mask.html Did anyone try these? The sample movies look good, too. And here are a few free PS tutorials: http://www.cbtcafe.com/photoshop/
  11. C

    paper texture without plugin?

    Wow, great tips, Mark. I'll play around with this for a while...
  12. C

    paper texture without plugin?

    Thanks for your replies and the tip with scanning! I scanned a texture (left) and tried to recreate it using the film grain filter. Looks ok for me.
  13. C

    paper texture without plugin?

    Do you know how to get a paper texture (like in a book or newspaper, not just plain white) without a plugin like Xenofex? I played around with the "note paper" / "water paper" filters and layer styles, but it just does not look right. Are there any textures I could import? Thanks again...
  14. C

    how do I re-create this texture?

    Thank you! Mark, thank you for your help and the file. Works great!
  15. C

    how do I re-create this texture?

    This is part of a menu I originally created in Fireworks MX. I'm trying to re-create the menu in PS7. How would I get a texture similar to my old one (the brown-white texture of the hard cover, bottom and right side)? Thanks a lot for your help!
  16. C

    introductory book to PS7: any recommendations?

    Thanks for your suggestion, Wabbitt! I'll keep the title in my bookmarks for later.
  17. C

    introductory book to PS7: any recommendations?

    AppleCider, thanks a lot for your advice! I think, I'll start with Inside PS (I had tried one of the classroom books for AI before) and the Wow Book and get the Bible as the 3rd one.
  18. C

    introductory book to PS7: any recommendations?

    Yes, I had a look at the pdf file, thanks for the link! I've been working with other graphics programs, but it's really hard to find my way through PS and I think, this book will be a good help for me. Also, the topics covered are what I'm interested in. Thaks again for your help!
  19. C

    introductory book to PS7: any recommendations?

    Thank you, "well documented" sounds good enough for me to try.
  20. C

    introductory book to PS7: any recommendations?

    Thanks a lot for your help! sfm: Thank you, I read about Gary Bouton's book here at PSG and was not sure, will order it now. Gaussian: Do you think beginners can benefit from the wow books or are they more for the intermediate - advanced audience? AppleCider: How do you use the Bible...