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Suggestions on how to increase the number of challenge participants.


We get new members everyday who request free assistance. Besides there are returning members. To add, there are so many contributing picture editors. All added would be easily more than 50+ people. Participating in the poll is a 1 minute process of seeing all submissions and voting for the best one. The number of participants in this month's poll were 17.

I find it appalling that such high quality work being displayed attracted a low participation. Does anyone have suggestions on how to increase the number of participants? Should we advertise more? Should we ask for participation as a quid pro quo for free requests?

I understand those benefiting from free requests are under no obligation to do anything in exchange, participation in poll would be a nicer way of thanking the community than saying 'thanks'. Your thoughts please?
Should we ask for participation as a quid pro quo for free requests?

Do you mean those whom are doing the "Free Requests" editing need/should take part as "Challenge Participants"?
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That would be one way of showing our work to more people and getting more participation that decides tie breakers. Consider that they would be viewing some high quality work, it is not costed, it only takes a minute, it encourages the artists who submit.
I took Polarwocs suggestion to mean that for anyone asking for a free request, should be made to vote in the competition before their request can be posted/receive any response, not necessarily submit a piece themselves.

I think that would be great if the forum host has the ability to add that in. It would definitely help boost votes.

Of course it would also need to be a timed option then, that could be skipped on no-vote days.
Do you mean those whom are doing the "Free Requests" editing need/should take part as "Challenge Participants"?
Sorry, I meant participate in voting (checking the art work entries and vote for the one they love best), not in submitting entries. @LaceyKeo is correct in interpretation.
...should be made to vote in the competition before their request can be posted/receive any response, not necessarily submit a piece themselves.
This suggestion would definitely boost the votes, but it would be too radical because it would be against "free" in the section heading "Free Requests", which means nothing is expected in return.

Maybe the forum can mention participation in voting as a desirable thing from all free requesters?
Fair point...

Should be requested/suggested/prompted to take a second to vote.

I do wonder then though, if people would end up just voting for whoever replied to their post? Would it still be an accurate vote of who won the competition, or just who did someone's request?
I do wonder then though, if people would end up just voting for whoever replied to their post? Would it still be an accurate vote of who won the competition, or just who did someone's request?
Yes, that is very much a possibility and to prevent it maybe a note should be mentioned asking for neutrality. Once the voter realises who (s)he votes for will not affect the quality of results of his/her free request, they would be impartial I guess. Besides, there could be more responses coming for the Free Requester.
Am I right in thinking that the person who won the last competition chooses and posts the next competition?

What about if everyone submitted their entry directly to the competition starter, and that person posted all the entries under a number/letter/image name?

I think Argos won the previous, so everyone would send their entries to Argos, who would then post them as "Train", "Big Ben", "Outer Space", etc, and reveal the name of the winner once voting closed? Then this month everyone would submit directly to eggy, and so on.

In any event, I do think an announcement/banner/sticky link would help get the competition noticed. As I said in another post, I wasn't even aware there was a competition at all until I saw your post asking people to vote.
Am I right in thinking that the person who won the last competition chooses and posts the next competition?
Yes, as per the guidelines. This time it would be Eggy and unfortunately we won't get to see his entry this month.
What about if everyone submitted their entry directly to the competition starter, and that person posted all the entries under a number/letter/image name?
I think that is a wonderful suggestion. That way work gets recognised without reputations playing a role. Names can all be revealed at the time of results announcement.
I think Argos won the previous, so everyone would send their entries to Argos, who would then post them as "Train", "Big Ben", "Outer Space", etc, and reveal the name of the winner once voting closed? Then this month everyone would submit directly to eggy, and so on.
Thank you for your suggestion but the matter of the how the contests are currently set up is the product of years of 'ad nauseam' discussion and failed attempts using other methods including the one being suggested here. How the contest is set up now will remain the same.

In any event, I do think an announcement/banner/sticky link would help get the competition noticed. As I said in another post, I wasn't even aware there was a competition at all until I saw your post asking people to vote.
This is a good suggestion and we actually did this in the old forum, I will see about doing this now.

The main question being asked here in this thread is how can we motivate our members to participate in the contests, both in submissions and in voting. This is also another matter that has been discussed to exhaustion in this forum.

Should we ask for participation as a quid pro quo for free requests?
it would be too radical because it would be against "free" in the section heading "Free Requests", which means nothing is expected in return.
I can tell you with certainty that we will not make it any kind of a mandatory requirement that our members vote.

Just letting you know that I have already received one convo from a member making a free request who was annoyed with the suggestion that they visit the contest to vote. I was afraid that this might happen but I allowed the practice to continue to see how it would play out. There's no doubt that we had more voting turnout but we need to find a less awkward way of redirecting attention and subsequent participation in the contests.

We need to look at ways of having our members "want" to participate in the contests without badgering. We currently have too much interest in free editing.

The matter of offering prizes has also been discussed. This is not an option.

I also ask that you take into consideration that PSG is not a contest forum. Just like the rest of the forum, our primary focus is on helping members to learn and use Photoshop. The contests are used to provide a place were members could practice and learn. Winning and voting has never been the objective of the contest forum.
Just letting you know that I have already received one convo from a member making a free request who was annoyed with the suggestion that they visit the contest to vote.
:shrug: Would have made the discussion richer with diversity of opinion if the person mentioned the concerns in this thread rather than show annoyance somewhere else.

Something HAS to change in order to get a better participation in voting numbers without impinging on the spirit of "free". With voter numbers of 17, 12, 7, 9 in previous polls, the number count has to increase to justify the quality of submissions. Contests thread is like visiting a tastefully displayed museum of fine art. If members don't visit because they don't know about it, that means we did not do enough to let them know that this "visual feast" exists.
If you want to make the Contest Thread known keep it by default at the top of the "Whats New Thread". That way any new comers will see that first.
Pressuring people to vote is just going to turn them off. Besides who cares anyways who votes. Who better to vote than the Regulars that are always on here anyways. :)
Who better to vote than the Regulars that are always on here anyways. :)
It is a fair point about not pressurising people to vote. It is a nice suggestion to leave the Monthly Contest thread on top of "Whats new thread" list for the time voting is open. But limiting the voting to the same 7 - 10 regulars who also participate would make it an "echo chamber" and may not attract new sets of eyes from joining in.

Summarising, to ensure good visibility of Monthly Contest thread while voting is open would be progress. In doing so, no pressure should be applied and participation is by will.
I think the main reason I don't vote is that I very often forget completely about the contests since I don't actively participate in them. I like the idea of making the contest thread stand out a little more, or direct people to that first. I think a lot of members really just click between the free requests, paid requests, and occasionally graphic showroom tabs and forget about the contests.
I like the idea of making the contest thread stand out a little more
At this time, sticking the contest thread is the best we can do. The forum provides everyone the option of viewing "what's new" in threads and posts. All new activity can be monitored. There's really no excuse for not seeing the contest threads when they're posted or commented in. This does not help during the voting phase because votes do not advance the thread in the cue. The staff will bump the thread daily to keep in view.

Screen Shot 2018-06-17 at 12.00.23 PM copy.png

Navigating to a particular forum(s) is evidence of the members interest and intentions. This can't be helped.
I see the contest thread as being a bit of fun for the members, each winner picks another subject for the next contest, it's not just about pressuring people to participate or vote, it's about having fun and progressing with your skills, I myself don't get much time to visit the site as i used to, so therefore don't participate as much or in all honesty not at all for most times a contest has been added .

As far as getting those from the free section involved i don't thick they or anyone else should have any form of pressure to go to the contest thread just because there are people wanting freebies. Those that want freebies are requesting help, or just wanting something for nothing, but remember it's down to the member's IF they want to do that freebie or not.

I can understand the frustration about getting more members to do the contest, and getting more to vote, but its down to the member at the end of the day whether or not they want to participate or vote.

Now this might come as what's seen as spam , I don't know, but one idea might be to ask members if there willing to get a notification in there in box about a new contest or time for voting, I would have also thought if possible, that each member can either opt in or out of receiving any notifications about the contest or voting, this way we do not spam inbox's of those that do not wish to that kind of notification.

By the way most of what i'm saying will probably already been looked at over the years by the forum, But another thought for exposure is to use the Alerts section to just notify everyone that a new contest has been started, or the Winner of contest is announced, or that voting has now started . It just might get some to click the link and get involved.

Just my thoughts, don't want to upset the apple cart, know some get upset over this issue. Thanks Inkpad.t
Thanks for the input Alan.
The contests have always existed as far as I know and have always been fun to do for all levels of expertise.
There's nothing to win or for that matter to loose...
There's no pressure to participate nor vote but as a community forum you would expect more commitment from our members...
The free Photoshop requests section exists to give members the opportunity to practice their PS skills.
Why not participating in the challenges to show off their skills?

As for the visibility, when I joined I explored the whole forum wanting to know what it was.
I started by reading the rules...

You have no idea how many times we see a 'new' members registering and going straight to the free or paid requests section to ask for an edit or to do edits and that's it.
That's not what PSG is.
It's a place for people to explore the possibilities of Photoshop and exchange ideas and techniques, to ask advice and/or show off their work and receiving feedback, to engage in friendly banter...

Doing free and/or paid requests is a part of it, but participating in the community as in the challenges also...
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Quite Agree Eggy.... wast just pointing out for the posts above its about fun, not pressuring anyone from anywhere else on the forum, Totally agree with you, for those who have the time as members to get involved when they can and give more commitment would be such a boost too those that do participate, just wish i had more time to do so.

Thanks Eggy.
