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$10 Request - Android Cheat Logo

Xologist... what everyone's said here so far rings true.

With the exception of a few of us here who uses 3d modelling apps, everything is done in Photoshop. But you have to give specifics as to what you want to see. Like what Hoogle said.. flat, 3d, plain or loud colors....

and may I add... what is your site's color scheme or background? Site theme? There's a lot of things that has to be taken into consideration when we design stuff.

One more thing.... It would also be to your disadvantage if any of us here would take a picture off somewhere, cut and paste into a logo and submit here as original work.
to be honest Dv8 the OP doesn't deserve this thread to be answered if they are going to be so rude and obnoxious. I request that you lock it, a mere request but please consider it.

completely distrespectful!

grow up and learn some manners before posting a request with a STINGY payment, expecting a flipping masterpiece.

i can imagine A LOT of thought has gone into people's work and here you are, with supposedly NO photo-shop and design experience what so ever critisize on their work!

I couldn't care less about my work on this request it took the least part of 10 minutes, to get the thread started off.

but for you to disrespect work that other people who, for all i know, could have spent hours thinking up the ideas is just completely rude, cheeky and disgraceful!

these people are polite artists who have bothered to answer your request, a LOGO is designed as simply as possible, too much detail and it does not provide a positive effect.

If it is a SITE BANNER you wanted, then i would have certainly helped with higher quality work, as i, personally, specialize in Signatures and Banners. but that would have happened IF YOU WEREN'T SO INCONSIDERATE.

This treatment towards members and great artists isn't worth $10. if you want something more amazing than offered and professional and ladidada, go to a proper freelance forum and add a couple of 0s to that tiny, tiny asking price of yours instead of a photoshop discussion forum that is often mistaken for a free request site!

My apologies to the admin for the frustration again.
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I completely feel you bro'
I don't think he was trying to be rude, maybe he was expecting something else, ofcourse he could of said something more polite, however he was quite direct which for me isnt a problem, atleast he is paying for the work if he was asking it for free I would totally agree with you that this thread should be closed, anyways

I think this community might deserve an apology, but for now, lets just relax :wink:
Lets not forget this was just a request for free at first, and I don't think that £5 is really covering what it would take to compensate somebody for hard work. The website at the moment is mostly blue at the moment, and is aimed at people who don't have any skill at playing games. He doesn't know what dimensions the logo should be and unfortunately, the logo that I designed for him in the first post that summed his website to a T, was deleted. What kind of mentality is it to think, I can't play the game properly, so I'll cheat! It's on the same kind of level as downloading stuff illegally IMO.
I am willing to pay $10 dollars on PayPal to whoever makes the best logo for my website.

I may choose 1, or I may not choose any if I don't like the design. To assure you that I will not steal your work, you are welcome to place watermark on the picture you present to me.

Once again:
$10 to whoever's design I like the most; I may also not like any for which no one will be paid.
Watermark is allowed in the picture I preview so that you know I am no joke and I really mean this. :naughty: <-- my addition

Lets see some images!
woo hooooooo!

Wow, I can't see most of the furor since there is no record of these deleted posts, but . . .

I belong to a couple other forums, and this is the kind of arrogance that bums me out. I've read the rules for freelance and it's pretty clear that images have to be watermarked. Maybe it ought to say so in the instructions for posting so they don't have to make remarks like, "watermark is allowed."

Oh yeah, and this, "I may choose 1, or I may not choose any." isn't that encouraging. No S-it Sherlock!

Mr. Xologist, you are rude and arrogant, acting like a big shot exec and expecting Madison Avenue for $10.00.

Something to write home about. Amusing if nothing else. And I'd go for the pretty much nothing. I am really surprised anyone responded. Just shows what tolerant gurus live here.

I apologize to members if I have gone too far. If so, you may add mine to the deleted posts!!!!!! :rolleyes:
I've read the rules for freelance and it's pretty clear that images have to be watermarked. Maybe it ought to say so in the instructions for posting so they don't have to make remarks like, "watermark is allowed."
In the beginning of this thread DV8_FX says that the thread is in the wrong section of this forum and it was removed to the freelance section, stating that he didn't change his thread (why should he when they replace it), it is obvious then that it has got nothing to do with 'reading the freelance rules' as it wasn't posted there in the first place.

Also indeed I have not read all the comments, I've only read what's available to read now so I can't judge xologist and all of you.

About the money thing, this is where it becomes tricky, 10$ are what most men earn from 1h-1h30 working, if you put 1h or more in creating a logo, that has been made out of another existing logo (android guy) then I think it is fair to expect something better than a 10 min. quick job

If anyone can tell me the full story, please PM me

have a nice day, and both sides, be more kind.
This is getting blown out of proportion...


This was NEVER a free request to begin with. It first appeared in GENERAL PHOTOSHOP BOARD as it was... RE : $10.00 REQUEST ....... . Out of courtesy , the OP was given a choice to either keep it there , OPEN TO ALL .... OR move to FREELANCE as there is a fee involved - for FREELANCERS ONLY. Had we left it there, I'm sure it would have also caused a storm....

The freelance rule reminders were posted because of numerous submissions by unqualified members. Zeealex was the first to sound the alarm .

If anyone of you saw a couple of Xologists remark of "Awaiting approval from moderators", there were posts before him by unqualified members which were not approved and deleted. I don't think he was aware these people were not qualified to take part.

Not to mention posts that were getting out of hand.

If you feel that not enough information was given by the OP, ASK. If you feel the client doesn't know what he wants, show him what he needs. I bet in the real world of business, you would do that.

BE IT $5.00 or $10.00 or $20.00 - if you feel this is not worth your time , effort or money involved, skip such job orders. Considering the forum isn't a FULL-SCALE FREELANCE WEBSITE, lucky if a big-spender drops by. But then, there were a couple who dropped in recent months but not given a enthusiastic welcome. Until someone gave it a go (not me) ... and has since been servicing the client monthly at a good rate. I'm surprised no one besides him went for it.

I wouldn't be surprised through all this griping and scuffle, someone else would just simply PM the OP with a design and gets the job. Leaving us in the dust created here .

Rather than we serve a client who enters here with a bit of PROFESSIONALISM.
This is getting blown out of proportion...


This was NEVER a free request to begin with. It first appeared in GENERAL PHOTOSHOP BOARD as it was... RE : $10.00 REQUEST ....... . Out of courtesy , the OP was given a choice to either keep it there , OPEN TO ALL .... OR move to FREELANCE as there is a fee involved - for FREELANCERS ONLY. Had we left it there, I'm sure it would have also caused a storm....

The freelance rule reminders were posted because of numerous submissions by unqualified members. Zeealex was the first to sound the alarm .

If anyone of you saw a couple of Xologists remark of "Awaiting approval from moderators", there were posts before him by unqualified members which were not approved and deleted. I don't think he was aware these people were not qualified to take part.

Not to mention posts that were getting out of hand.

If you feel that not enough information was given by the OP, ASK. If you feel the client doesn't know what he wants, show him what he needs. I bet in the real world of business, you would do that.

BE IT $5.00 or $10.00 or $20.00 - if you feel this is not worth your time , effort or money involved, skip such job orders. Considering the forum isn't a FULL-SCALE FREELANCE WEBSITE, lucky if a big-spender drops by. But then, there were a couple who dropped in recent months but not given a enthusiastic welcome. Until someone gave it a go (not me) ... and has since been servicing the client monthly at a good rate. I'm surprised no one besides him went for it.

I wouldn't be surprised through all this griping and scuffle, someone else would just simply PM the OP with a design and gets the job. Leaving us in the dust created here .

Rather than we serve a client who enters here with a bit of PROFESSIONALISM.

I agree with dv8. Some of you took this way overboard :sprint:
I agree with dv8. Some of you took this way overboard :sprint:
Yes I have to agree also, I did take it a little overboard at first, however, I did put a lot of effort in my design
I even made a sketch before going into photoshop!
Well I hope the OP gets his $10 worth logo
Ok Guys seriously this is not school where everyones a winner point of view.

Maybe the wording could have been slightly better ie I was looking for something a bit cleaner or I am looking for something more creative and original etc.

But the truth is if you are paying for a job to be done you are entitled to have more input into it even if it is just for $10, Every paid job however small should be looked at ok this is only $10 worth of work do I spend a couple of hours or just 15 mins on it. You then decide how much revision you are prepared to do on the design for the money and if your client does not like what you do you cant get all defensive over it and get hurt feelings you will never get proper work done if you are annoyed.

Put it this way if you pay a decorator to paint your house blue and he paints it pink and say that is the only color I have and because it is done cheap you have no right to argue now pay up you would not be to happy would you.

The same goes in this trade it is a big market that is very competitive if you want to get the work then you have to know what your client wants even if you do not agree with what they think is best. Gees the amount of times I have had to grind my teeth out of frustration or had to downgrade my work or even go in circles make 10 variations just for the client to turn around and say nope the original idea was best. This is life if you want to get paid for work then you have to be open and understanding that what you think is best may not be what your client thinks is best.

If you are going to complain and say it is not worth spending time on for $10 then that is your choice but the reality is if you are already a successful graphic designer/freelancer or have a good job working for a company here at PSG you will never get paid what you would expect to get paid within your own normal Business.

Here is the Way I work and The Op certainly does not meet what my expectations would be to complete a job.

Real life
Somebody or a company contacts me and tells me they want a logo designing (or whatever it is I can offer)

Somebody makes a post request, freebie or freelance

Real life
You arrange to discuss it further to try and establish more on there needs and what you can offer them this can be done in a face to face meeting email or phone however I prefer it to be email as you always have a written log of what was asked from the beginning.

During this interaction you find out what there budget is or you tell them what your fee would be with a quote you should establish as much information as possible but also let them know what there limitations are either by what they are willing to pay or what you realistically can produce for the money or with your skill.

They usually make a vague post and you should chase them up to get abetter idea of what they really are looking for 9 out of 10 times they wont really have a clue and will count on your experience and Knowledge to push the project in the right way. Dont even start working on something until you know what the price is, when it needs to be done by specifications of size etc and what format the final project should be.

Real life
Before you start work try and get some examples of what your client likes have a portfolio or even a scrap book of relevant previous work or other peoples work these can be famous brand logos for example have them pick out 5 they really like and 5 they really dislike. This will help you get more of an idea on how your client thinks and will help you cater your design more to there liking instead of your own.


same goes for in real life get the op to post images or examples of what they like or dont like etc.

Ok so now I will go on with both scenarios as 1 as you get the idea.

By now you will have an idea of what is wanted from your client whether it is from just 1 post on the forum or 1 conversation but hopefully by now you will know if you can do what is requested and within the budget of your client

Take 10 -15 mins to mock up a design and send it to the client either by email or in PSG case just post it in a thread making sure it is clear this is what I was thinking do you like the way it is heading and maybe describe your future plans with the design so they can paint a picture in there head with some visual element.

free request or paid
If the feedback you get back is negative and you dont think can change your design scrap it and then decide do you want another go or do you walk away from the project this is easy at psg as you are not expected to do anything and can just leave the thread.

If the OP likes where you are going with your idea then get more feedback and specify ok my next submission will be an almost completed project I will be prepared to make fine adjustments to it at this stage ready for completed work upon your approval specify the amount of edits you are prepared to do etc.

Whilst working on the project make it as editable as possible in PSD terms make every element its own layer do not raster text or merge layers unless you really have to/ Add hue saturation adjustment layers above each layer and clip it to that layer this way you can change the color at any time with no effort, you can adjust text as needed etc. Try and use custom shapes and vector shapes as they can be resized much better then none vector. If you are using filters convert for smart filters so you can adjust filter settings if need be. The bottom line is initially this seems a lot more work but once you work like this it will actually save you time in the future.

Post your final design watermarked and hopefully by now you will know if the client or OP will like it yes there may be fine tweaking needed and yes sometimes they will sign off on it and like it but still come back a few days later and ask for changes.

But Really it is down to you on if you want to do the job or not but never post work and state well your only willing to pay $10 so this is all your getting. You may not like what the client wants or you may not enjoy doing what they want but any work free or paid is good for you it helps you learn on working for people not for yourself trust me it is hard working to what other people like than it is just doing what you think is best.

If you are not prepared to work for $10 to a high standard then someone else will be If this is your view then your best to stay away from the thread.

Now I also understand some of you do this as a hobby but paid work is business if it is your main source of income or not business is not always pleasant and in any job you do I am sure you will be criticized at some point or other so really dont let 1 negative comment get you all wound up is it really worth getting upset and argumentative over for 1 job.
no one grabbed a triangle or a circle and put it on the Green guy to make a logo

I just want you to know that I love your logo! It obviously took some imagination, time, and effort -- as did others but yours "tickled my fancy." And it makes a super avatar! :mrgreen:

As for what hoogle wrote, there is much to digest there, especially if you are new to this business. He sure is right about PSG business. It is it's own animal.

I've had the go ahead on a design with a request for a change or two from an OP, then don't get the job after all. I've done the simplest photo manipulations and been paid unusually well. I've made designs before I really knew what the OP wanted and "wasted time," but still learned something from the work. I've done the same thing for non-paying jobs, designing even while I knew I didn't have a clue what was wanted! At my own risk and sometimes just for my own enjoyment. If it's liked great; if not, oh well. I get irritated as much as the next person when the requester is rude or unrealistic. I suppose that comes from ignorance of the business and the art, youthful expectations and maybe arrogance, and not knowing what the heck they want even after several people have posted logos and whatnot.

The thing is, even if you know what's wanted for a freelance job, you've made a few variations, and know that your submissions are really cool, you still might not get chosen. Same goes for a job in the business. You still have to create what are likely to be unpaid graphics or photography as you create and update your portfolio.

Keep that in mind when you compete for a job on PSG and make something you would be proud to put in a portfolio. But, I think I heard hoogle say, keep your cool and keep it upbeat.
I just want you to know that I love your logo! It obviously took some imagination, time, and effort -- as did others but yours "tickled my fancy." And it makes a super avatar! :mrgreen:

I am glad Clare you liked my logo and yes, :wink: the idea of making it the avatar came after I decided not to post my second logo because of the comments.
Revised in short: xologist defined 10$, if you do not agree, you do not participate, simple as hell.
well the OP has been back and not commented so either he likes no other designs or no longer wants the job completed by us so I would hold fire on the designs until we get some feedback

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