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Logo Help


Hi All,

So I finally came up with a logo.

If anyone can please make this logo all nice and neat and smart that would be a great help.If you can make it a high class file that will be perfect.

Feel free to alter it slightly as it is not perfect.

Many Thanks!


  • Logo.jpg
    57.5 KB · Views: 57
I feel that the members of PSG have been more than gracious in providing you with help and advice on how to smooth your logos. We have advised you that you should learn Adobe Illustrator or Photoshops (vector) shape tools to create your logos. I feel that you are treading on the generosity of our members by continuing to request our help for a process that you should have learned by now.

Please take the time to re-read the threads you have already started on the same subject.








If you are more familiar with PS, you can do this with the vector tools in PS -- you don't have to use AI.

Just describe the method(s) you tried and show us the results of what you have done (thereby proving that you actually did attempt to do something for yourself), and we'll be happy to teach you how to do it correctly.

Tom M
Best I came up with...not done correctly as you can see also I dont like the ending on the S it looks too square?



  • Swade Logoo.jpg
    Swade Logoo.jpg
    139.1 KB · Views: 8
Great! How did you do it: PS or AI?

Please post your PSD or AI file, preferably a version that has the paths with anchor points.

Tom M
Just merged it all together using shapes on photoshop, the file is all one layer...
We are trying to figure out how to help you learn how to do work like this, but we need more detail about the statement quoted above. For example, what type of shapes? Did you construct the shapes using the pen tool or did use built-in shapes like rectangles, ellipses, polygons, etc?

BTW, got your PSD file and it opens just fine, but unfortunately, it still doesn't shed any light on exactly you actually did the work.

One final question / comment: To do work like this at high quality, you really, *REALLY* need to learn how to use the pen tool (in PS is just fine -- you don't need to switch to AI). As I recall, you were pointed in this direction several times. Did you work through any of the tutorials on using the pen tool?


Tom M
He did say it was done with shapes merged together. Which would also explain the artifacts within the logo. All it needs is proper cropping to rid of those outside the canvas ....


But regardless whether it's a copy/cut/paste job done in PS, AI or Corel done via pen tool, text tool or lathe machine, I don't see why it can't be improved.

@goreisking .....

From what you have in your psd, all you need to do is work on one layer -

1. Select the object on a layer (press CTRL+click layer)
2. Convert selection to a path.
3. Tweak the anchor points to fine tune the shape.
4. Convert path to a selection. (Don't discard the Work Path layer as you could use it later for further tweaking. Simply click on the Work Path layer to access the path with it's anchor points).
5. Fill with desired color on a new layer. Duplicate the layer
6. Flip the duplicate vertically and horizontally and move into place.


In the above, I fine tuned the shape on one layer. I also reduced the number of anchor points created in the work path conversion yet still managed to get a symmetrical shape. I even moved the entire upper half of the S slightly.

You can do a better job to your liking - get the desired look of the top S curve...

We're here to show you how it can be done properly but you have to give it MORE effort. Your initial object cut and paste work is simply not enough..... PS has all the tools you'll need. You have to learn the uses - in and out.....

Thanks for your advice, I tried to smooth it but don't have a clue how to do it, all the paths etc are confusing. I have edited the logo, I have made it thicker and altered the top of the S slightly. Can you please smooth the attached file for me? Thank you very much!



Thanks for your advice, I tried to smooth it but don't have a clue how to do it, all the paths etc are confusing. I have edited the logo, I have made it thicker and altered the top of the S slightly. Can you please smooth the attached file for me? Thank you very much!

At the expense of sounding like a strict taskmaster, I don't see any effort from your part in terms of using the procedures I outlined earlier. There is no Work Path saved in the psd and I can discern trace evidence of a bit of warp transform on a copy of the edited shape I posted earlier as well as the usual cut , paste and merge that you've been accustomed to doing.

Had you used the pen tool or work paths, the result will be crisp and sharp unlike what you have in your latest psd.

It will save you a lot of time (which will also mean finishing your project the soonest) if you follow what I have instructed you. And everything needed to work with is contained in your initial psd..... nothing else needs to be added, just tweaked....

I may have done the earlier edit in a few minutes but that's because I know what to do. In your case, it's just a matter of listening to advice and taking time to learn how to use the pen and path tools. And on a simple shape like yours, it shouldn't be that difficult to tackle.

Learning it's use will mean you will be better equip with the know-how on how to handle future similar situations or make logo creation and editing easier...... rather than to have someone do and finish it for you. I think this should be your ultimate goal in your becoming a better "PS Graphics Designer".....

To start off..... use the procedure I posted and post screenshots of your working with the paths and anchor points. From there we can help you learn how to use the tools correctly.

Another option in order to have the crisper, "professional looking" logo you desire...

REDO it on the same psd using the earlier work as a base sample template to work on.

On new layers, create an ellipse shape at the thickness you require and the S character of the Perpetua font which you transform to the needed thickness and look.

Even then, you still need to work with paths in order to re-shape the S curves most especially the lower S to merge seamlesly with the ellipse. After which, trim of excess ellipse, create a merged duplicate, flip, position and merge into the full logo...... and discard earlier work layers.

Better than total cut and paste......

After all the excellent advice given you by myself and others, don't tell us you still need someone to do and finish this for you......
...REDO it on the same psd using the earlier work as a base sample template to work on...
My Spenguins must be working overtime......just waiting for YT to process a video doing exactly this!

OK....here is 11 and a half minutes of me doing exactly as dv8 has suggested.
Its done slowly, deliberately and using as few keyboard shortcuts as possible although all key presses are displayed at the top anyway.

At the very start I add a layer of 'Black' with a lowered opacity....this is purely so that the path is easy to see and not required for the process, although its something I do as a matter of habit just to make it easier.

The initial anchor point locations look random but you should notice that in fact I'm roughly placing them at the transition points of the curves. The transition point is where one curve meets another. I then go back over these points and position them more accurately before converting to curves.

11:35 & No Audio.

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To late to say it but the spenguins should have held on to the thought..... :cheesygrin:

This is a matter up to the OP - whether he's willing to go the distance or give up ..... the end result dictates what he will be as a designer.

This is the first time I will ever sound harsh to anyone in the forum..... But no self respecting graphics designer will ever ask someone to finish a work design he's supposed to be doing from start to finish..... It's a matter of giving it your all in order to get the job done.... ala Star Wars Yoda - Do or do not.... there is no try....

btw, MrT..... it's a good visual tute for anyone to start on the road to leaning how to use the pen tool. Tho it would be quicker to select the object, convert to a work path complete with it's anchor points which you tweak as desired....... But that's just me....
The OP indicated an issue with using the Pen tool.

I have tried to help by showing how easy the pen tool can be...despite what they may have heard, seen or done before.

I also used their own graphics, as you yourself suggested, in order to keep the workflow relevant.

As to your method of creating a work path from a selection....have you seen the mess that makes?
I believe you would spend more time cleaning that up than just starting afresh.....in my experience with selection to path conversions.

Maybe its just me.....getting it all wrong yet again.

