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Trolls Live Here!

Groom's Friend's Wife's request:
Unfortunately we didnt get a picture with our friends on their wedding day (or one through the day before drinks were consumed haha). I was wondering if it’d be at all possible to get the bride and groom with myself and my partner.

That is certainly possible, but the placements were not detailed. Maybe way too many drinks were consumed that day??
1788-After-659D3467-4751-4806-9399-FC19EFBE4468 (2).jpg
I have used @Rich54's work in the above image - thanks to him.
I'm familiar wit photoshop basics but not good enough to produce production quality images
Right now I want to create a collection of cloud type boxes with arrows flowing in and out of them. Is there a site where I can search/download similar .psd files (or new ideas) that I can edit?

Something like this?

fart clouds.jpg
Last edited:
Hi. can someone please add Eiffel Tower in the back ground and change the foreground to suit that. Thanks

Note: This was a quick selection......so don't look at his hair!
If anyone could make it look like i'm holding some sort of paper / sign that would be greatly appreciated <3



Just as a side note on the actual Free Edit request..............normally I would complete the actual edit so I'm not a total troll, but I will not do these types of sign edits because it's simply far too easy to take a photo of yourself holding a sign. There is always some kind of excuse as to why they can't just retake a photo of themselves with a sign. Probably because it's not really the OP in the photo.
If anyone could make it look like i'm holding some sort of paper / sign that would be greatly appreciated <3


Here's a paper option...

paper option.jpg
My friend in the red dress doesn't like our picture, could you remove her."


Sure thing...staying with the ccolor scheme:

elf in red.jpg

(*Gotta love AI... :cheesygrin: )
