Photoshop Gurus Forum

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  1. E

    Wedding Edits

    Took a picture of this couple on their wedding day two weeks ago and just came around to editing the images. Quite pleased with myself actually, as I am still learning the ropes of photo editing and retouching. Even altering the backgrounds a bit to put the focal point more on the subject of the...
  2. A

    Editing Star Trails

    So, I began shooting star trails today with my Canon 550d and the kit 18-55 lens(because I don't have anything else) and I came out with this photo(RAW). Its a bit out of focus because I can't really focus in the dark that well. I think it came out ok, but I was just wondering how people editing...
  3. Tony42

    Hi (from a new member)

    Hello everybody, I have around thirty, I live in Europe and I'm a comics fan, but also French-Belgian comic, tv series (Doctor Who, Arrow, Powers...), of animated series, movies and mangas. I decide to join this forum because I want to learn a lot about Photoshop and editing pictures ^^ I'm...
  4. B

    Image Editing Help- blurred photo

    Hi, can someone please help me with editing this blurred photo, have tried a few times but its not looking any better, thanks.
  5. J


    Photoshop manipulation .. Rate it out of 10
  6. I

    A little trouble with editing a Mockup!

    Hi all... Was hoping someone could give me a step by step for editing the 'wooden' logo in this mockup. I can do the 'business card' (pretty straight forward) but just can't get my head around the 'wooden cutout'. Any pointers would...
  7. T

    Question about PS's video editing capabilities for a small project.

    Hi guys. I'm looking to recreate the opening credits in the video below, but I'm not sure if it's within Photoshop's video editing capabilities. Perhaps it's not the best software to create something like this, I really don't know. I've done a little video editing on PS, but not much, so don't...
  8. T

    Hello all

    Hi all. My name is Roy and I've just joined the forum today. I've been using Photoshop for almost 2 years now although I still feel like the functions I'm using are really just the tip of the iceberg. It's so vast and it's almost limitless what you can do, which is kind of mind boggling! I've...
  9. MichukoTFM

    Hello all Photoshop members!

    Hello! :D My name is MichukoTFM(nick)/Novantiska(real) I'm from indonesia and i like to use Photoshop for editing! and here are my edits!
  10. pslane

    editing styles

    Hello, can somebody refresh my memory on editing Styles? For instance, if I want to change the aspect ratio or size of the border and maybe the shadow?? Thanks, pslane
  11. T

    Need help editing

    I would like to know if someone can smooth the forehead of the photoshop I did so it blends better and looks more realistic. Thank you.
  12. IamSam

    Your opinion of Mac OS Yosemite 10.10.3

    I'm not one for upgrades. When an OS is working well with the hardware you currently have, upgrading can often be a disaster. I have recently been considering a video editing program to help me with creating video tutorials. The program I want requires Mac OS 10.9 or better............. Mac OS...
  13. Masoumeh Tavakoli Art

    Photo Editing

    Its a before/after I did for a client.
  14. B

    Image Editing Help- Removing person from background with Photoshop

    Hi, sorry to bother again. Please can I have some help removing the person behind me in the picture? I am located on the right hand side and have also managed to cut my chin off. I have tried editing the image but have had some difficulty. I would appreciate the help, thanks. P.S. I would like...
  15. T

    Replace a Wacom Bamboo - What with?

    My Wacom Bamboo CTE 450 seems to have died, so I'm looking for a replacement. Looking at Wacom's site, all the emphasis is to drawing. I don't do that. I use the pen in editing in PS CS 2014, and primarily when I'm editing a Layer Mask. Further, I have no interest in the "touch" functions or...
  16. J

    Free image editing request

    Hello All, I have read GUIDELINES FOR FREE IMAGE EDITING REQUESTS ( Please could you edit the person out of this background: Many thanks, Jamie
  17. A

    Basic Tutorial - Whitening Teeth In Photshop
  18. H


    Hlw I am new in this forum. I work as am image editor.
  19. mikecox


    I've been looking for a active Ps forum and this was was recommended by John Wheeler. I am a rank amateur. I started out in PsE, then, after several years, graduated to Ps. Several years ago I discovered Lr and fell in love; as it were. No I do most of my editing in Lr, moving my work to Ps...
  20. B


    Hello! I have always enjoyed photography but am a novice when it comes to editing. Hoping to learn some things!