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Zig zag edges after using shape tool


New Member
Hey all, obviously new around here and was looking for somehwere where I could get involved a learn a lot more about Photoshop.

I have been using CS3 for a few months now and have used it to create a couple of websites for friends and familly.
Some examples

IOW Buddies
Carol Macartney Yoga
SK15 Services

With the IOWbuddies website I used the shape tool to create an elipse. no matter what I did it always came out with a jaggy outline. I think I ended up adding a blending layer and changin the stting s on the outside edge, but I'm still not happy. Is there a better or a proper way to go abuot using the shape tool and having a smooth outer edge?

Many thanks
Hi Kev, I'm not sure why you are getting those jagged edges from the shape tool, but you could try some other options. You could make a selection in the shape that you wanted by using the marquee tools (hold shift to add to the selection, and hold alt to subtract from it) an then use the paint bucket tool to fill it with color. You should get nice clean edges this way.

Another option is to use the pen tool to draw the shapes.

Maybe someone else can tell you more about the shape tool edges issue.
