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Yeah.. hi


Hm I really hate introductions I don't find them productive at all, but here it goes I suppose.. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts. I've done nothing with art since I graduated. I guess I'm in that 95% of artists who go to school and don't end up doing art for a living. Oops.

But there's still time..so I can't be too pessimistic.
Welcome to the forum, Nobady.

Weeeell... if you didn't say a word, we wouldn't even know you're there.

In its more than a decade of existence, this forum has been known to kick start a lot of creative people into design careers of their own. Stick around and take part in the discussions and activity. Post whatever works you have for show and conversation.

We only require your camaraderie, crazy sense of fun and a passion to help others.

Cheers and see you on the boards.......
Perhaps it will. Although my latest venture has included the purchase of a toaster oven and clay lol. Poor photoshop so neglected as of late; my camera too for that matter.
Dust off and oil up the equipment.... We've got a fledgling but excellent photography section for you to sink your teeth in. There's something for everyone regardless of what version of Photoshop you may have.

Most importantly -- CLICK THAT START UP ICON......
Welcome to the forum! I'm sure that this place will spark those creative juices into something awesome in no time at all. Can't wait to see you around the boards and posting some of your stuff.
