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Wrapping text around an object


New Member
Hi guys,
as a newbie on this board.. first i'd like to say 'hello' and have a nice one :D
Followed by my very interesting question:

i was fooling around with some brushes etc, and now i've got the idea to
wrap a couple lines of a song around the object i've put on the wallpaper.

this is the "object":

and these are the lines i wanna put around it:
Dalgalarin, denizlerin, selami var herkesin. Cocuklarin, balikcilarin selami var martilarin. Op dediler gozlerinden, bir kere de bizim icin.

Anyone who can help me ? (Or do it for me in case it's extremly hard to do :P, but of course i prefer to learn it myself too)

Im waiting forward to get some useful replies :righton:

PS: the wallpaper's size is 1024 * 786, i'd like to have readable lines ya know :righton: :D
The easiest way to do this is to make a path and use the text on path tool, this is only available in newer versions of Photoshop CS. Basically you create the path you want the text to take, then places the text on path type tool there and type away. There really isn't any other good way to do it... you can use warping or manually positioning each word... but none of them look very good.

Welcome to PSG.
Heh. Glad you got it worked out. :)
