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Would you pay a small price to learn?

Would you pay a small price to learn?

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Heya folks! :D

I was thinking recently about something... and i wanted to ask you guys what you thought about it before i go head-long into setting it up.

Thanks for taking the time to read this too btw. :righton:

I have a bunch of new tutorials i'm writing, and they're taking me a fair bit o' time to put together. It's quite indepth stuff and is costing a lot more time to create than my usual tutes do. And this material is completely original too... the subject matter deals with creating 3D interfaces and all of the various elements that can be used in their construction.

Here's what i'm wondering...
To be completely honest, the Web Design business is/has been quite slow in the past 6 months or so. So i've been trying to find supplimental ways to generate revenew; with little to no success.

So i thought about setting up a special area on my site where i would put indepth tutorials covering a variety of graphic effects, and charge a small price to access this information. The tutes would be provided in both html and PDF format; for downloading.

I would of course still have/write the normal tutes for free on the rest of the site and in the Forum Tutorial board. I'm NOT changing the goals/ideals of the site in any way. I'm just thinking of expanding it a little in this new direction.

So... what i need to know is...
What would you guys consider a reasonable price to pay for a chapter of original material? Would you pay $10 (Canadian) per chapter, to have full access to this info?

Keep in mind too that the 3D Interface subject is just the beginning one. If this idea was well received enough, i would provide material on other subjects. I would probably even setup a poll thread where people could vote on what subject matter they would most like to see in the oncoming chapters. That way, the majority would actually be getting something specific they want.

I think i've covered everything here now, but i might have forgotten a couple things to mention. If anyone has any questions/comments... i'm interested in hearing what you have to say about this idea.
Like i said... i don't want to do all the work of setting it up if it's not going to be accepted by the general users of the site. That's why i'm asking your opinion now. [honesty]

Here's an example of some things included in the first "book".
And below it is a complete list of what would be covered overall in the first "book".

So let me know what you think, ok?
Wooah how long did all that take to write bud? [stuned]

When I first found your site Mark all that time ago and I started reading the tutes,the wealth of info I got from that I still use every day in some form or another,I probably would have paid for :) ,in my mind a fee for knowledge is fair especially if you put a truckload of hours into which it looks like you have.

Great idea!!! $10 in canadian money, huh? How much is that in american? hmmm, good idea, you have to make sure every tute is a well worth buying it type of thing... thought that isnt that much of a cost :) hmmm, now that i thought about it, it would be awesome if someone made a site where ppl make their own professional tutes and set a price on viewing them. that'd be .... awesome. It would be like a daprints.com type of thing [excited] But i'm not ganna make it :D :D :D :\
Kind of a tough one, isn't it? I'm almost in the same boat.

Now, I once had the chance to see Design by Mark's 5.5 CD. From your outline, it looks like you definitely have more material than DBM, and he charges $30.

If I were a new user, and based on DBM's CD, I would *definitely* buy your material for $10 Canadian.
It's interesting that you posted this, Mark. About nine months ago (before all the trouble started in which I lost my home) I was contacted by a guy named Fred Stoker. This guy is part of the Photoshop branch of the Design & Publishing Center web site.

He asked me if I wanted to become part of the new Photoshop 911 section he was putting together for DPC. The goal of the 911 section was to have tutorials written by designers (like me) that people would pay a modest $1-$5 apiece to see.

I said that sounded great, but I never heard from him again. In the months since I talked to him it has always crossed my mind that those who write tutorials should get something for their effort. Writing my own tutorials for my old web site made me realize how monumental a task this is.

It's amazing how many people don't even realize the work involved in writing these things. I think there should be a price attached to any form of learning. I mean, you have to pay to go to school ... same thing here.

I would pay to download your tuts, Mark. And its funny you're doing a tut on that subject matter, since the design for my new site is an old, gothic, spaceship-type theme ...

My absolute "pet hate" is writing tutes so kudos to ya bud :righton:
hmmm... this is good info guys thanks for doing this. It helps.

Like i've always touted on my site... my goal never has/never will be to make a truck loada money from writing tutorials. I've always done it because i like to. It's a great hobby.

However, now with a little guy in the family, i'm thinkin' it wouldn't be such a bad idea to perhaps help supplement things just a little.

Stroker... you're the second or third person i've heard say that about Mark's CD. I myself thought about a CD, but decided against it because i just couldn't justify selling the same stuff on CD that i freely give away on my site. That didn't sit well with me in my mind.

However... this is a bit different because this material is quite indepth and there's a lot of it "on one subject". Which to me makes it a "specialized"
collection of information. And that's how i justifying this new idea.

Anywho... thanks guys. Appreciate your time. [honesty]

PS: Alistair... $10 CAD is currently $7 US, and $6.50 Euro. ;)
Well, I suggest we start a poll, so that our beloved Guru has an idea about how many people would jump in for a start. More will follow later.

We should also include an agreement not to distribute the tuts on other sites, printed or on any other carrier.

Now, what's a chapter huh?
Imo, we might compare these tuts with a Friends of Ed book: good design, clear tutes, good help (if needed) and if necessary, downloadable files to complete some area's (like for example jpegged textures).

'nother question is how to transfer the money. Paypal is often used, yet here in Absurdia wer'e not allowed by the government to make use of it. And there are still many people who are very hesitant to pay online. Getting CAD here adds to the cost. Etc etc...
Perhaps it should also be possible, to limit the extra cost, to pay for several chapters (?) at the time.

Also, lower prices gives more possible candidates. Etc etc.
It might also become a kind of school, where people can send in their work for correction. Etc etc etc
Some thinking has to be done.

But let's start with a poll.
Anyways: I'm on.
Good idea for the Poll Erik. And some other good thoughts also. Thx. :righton:

Yes i agree about the agreement contract. That would be sent to and signed by everyone prior to them having access to the special area. That's just a formality, but is necessary.

Paypal would be one method, and i would see about setting up a secure server account for credit cards too. Money Orders would be ok also, but that would put a small delay on how soon you could access the special area. Priority Post would speed that method up.

And yes, Erik's thought about "prepaying" for multiple chapters at once is a workable idea.

As for "what constitutes a chapter"... well, some will be long and some will be short. It would depend on the specific info being covered. So it would even out overall. But generally, i imagine the chapters would be fairly lengthy... you know me... can't stop my mouth when i'm trying to explain something! DOH! [doh] :D

Wouldn't be any "supplimental materials" Erik. everything needed would be created by the user throughout the tutes. That's the whole purpose for them. [excited]

Lower prices... hm.. well with the exchange rate for the Canadian dollar... almost everyone is getting a better deal than the Canadian users. Not that $10 is anything huge... but $6-$7 ain't bad, is it?

About the "school" idea. Ya, i like that thought too actually. But let's wait down the road a tad. See how things go first. ;)
I'm for it! Plus the CD idea has merit. One word about payment...PayPal and up your price slightly to cover their percentage.
Do we have to pay 7 more (10 canadian) dollars if we view the same tutorial twice? :D :P [stuned] But really, how is this going to work? You pay to view it, you view it, and does you're browser just let you view it for now on.... or what?
Alistair Mark suggested a PDF download in his original thoughts.

Mark Have you considered a subscription fee on a per year basis for those who might wish to view all your tutorials?
I did not intend to say that what you suggested was too expensive. Perhaps Welles explained it better. I was just brainstorming, nothing more.
If everything is/will be made from scratch (there I know you! haha :righton:), then it would even be easier.

Perhaps some of our firnds here know about some sites who do the same, and could post adresses? Just to get information, broaden views...

Personally, I believe more in this than in mugs and tee-shirts.

I have another idea...
Mark, read your PM!

Yes once you've paid for a chapter(s), you can view it from then on whenever you like.


Nice idea about the subscription... but do you mean for it to be applicable to the whole site? Because i wouldn't feel right about doing that to folks after the material has been here for free for so long.

And if you're referring to this idea being applied to this new 'special' area... then actually that sounds like an idea to weigh also. I'll have to think about that and how it might be applied. Thx. :righton:


Hey no problem man i didn't mean my reply to make it sound like you were insinuation anything. It was just 'an answer'.

And ya, all will be made from scratch. And that's why i like the idea of taking user polls to see what people actually want to learn. This is of course aside from the usual materials about learning the tools and functions -- i.e. beginner stuff.
Ok i'll check my PM. :righton:
Count me in for the tutors but at most I like the idea for a kind of school with homework and so.
Maybe you can start that separately :D :D
The workshops of Adobe are 200 km. from my hometown and very expensive too. The school can maybe a part of this forum with special log ins or so, so that we can do our homework and see the work of each other and also the corrections made.

Maybe there are more people here who likes to go to school and will pay for that. But I don't know if that is allowed (federal and/or taxes).
I'm waiting for the answers of the rest of the guys here.
Mark this is a thrilling adventure and I still don't know why it has taken you so long with all of your talent :D
count me in and I too :righton:

One thing that I hope will be taken into account is time....... I always seem to run out of time with all these websites and graphic work, we will be able to work at our own pace right? with submitting home work etc ;\ please he he he

After all we have to help little Seth right....... so that he can go to college get a good job and then support mum and dad he he he

just an idea - once we pay there would be a permission set section that allows us to go into the "book" with each new book each paying student would then have the permission set so that they can see and access the folder/book - that is if it is done from here [innocent] on the php board.

Like Erik said lots to think about but count me in!
Mark ...
can't stop my mouth when i'm trying to explain something! DOH!

That is way we are learning from you. ;)

Yes , I am in too and I think that it is a great idea. :righton:
Ok great, thanks for the support with this idea. :righton:

The answer to both of your questions Ashcat and Sue is yes to everything. Except that i don't think i'd use a message board for this. The software is just not stable enough for my peace of mind. I'd use PHP and html... much more reliable.

But the "school" idea is still just that... and idea. No specific details are bieng thought out yet. It would take a lot of forethought and planning to make it happen... and i'm still only at the initial stage of seeing if folks would even go for an idea like this.

We should know soon. Judging by the Poll response though it's looking positive. [excited]

Hey guys i just remembered something i wanted to ask you about...
Someone mentioned a "per tutorial" payment method. That sounds like a good idea, because then people can pick specific tutes if they want to. Only thing is... how much would be a fair price per tute..? $2? $3? Would anyone put $3 on a credit card? Albeit they could just prepay for a group of tutes too.

This needs more thought...

When I suggested subscription, I was thinking you were possibly going to create a unique total tutorial site with new 'enhanced' tutorials. If that's the case and you intended to add new content regularly, I'd pay a subscription of oh say $25 or so for a year's use. You could have the tutorials which are free here as a bonus area of your new site, or perhaps a 'Simpler Sampler' section where people could get a taste of your style of instruction prior to purchase of individual tutes or subscription. That way your free tutes posted here could still add substance to your new endeavor.
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