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Illustrator working with cpu-heavy projects efficiently


New Member
Hello, so I made some logos for a friends website. They look great, but he wants a few things changed. There are lots of effects added to objects, lots of blends and lots of objects in general. It is quite a cpu-intensive project. I'm a bit frustrated waiting for the effects to load every time I move something. I could go in and turn off every effect, but they're tucked away in different groups in different symbols. I could have been better prepared from the start but it seems like there should be a much easier way to deal with this kind of situation. What precautions and workflow methods could I use to make these kind of situations easier to handle? Like a button to disable/hide all effects. Or a way to turn off automatic refresh, like you can in After Effects using the caps lock. Even using outline mode wants to render the effects every time I change something. I'm using CS5 by the way. Thanks for the help
