So, I have an image at high resolution. I want to cut an object out of the image, and then scale the image down to a smaller size. Now, when I command-click my cut out object, I receive a selection.
However, when I try to paint within that selection, paint spills out onto pixels that are Not part of the selection. Does anyone know why this is happening? With the work I'm doing, it's imperative that the only part of my image that is being manipulated is my exact selection, and not a pixel over. But I can't understand why Photoshop is allowing a few pixels outside of my selection border to be painted on.
Furthermore, if I were to do command-click my object for the selection and delete it out of the background image, it deletes the selection + a few extra pixels around the border. It's maddening. When I have a selection and manipulate the pixels within it, why is it also manipulating a small number of pixels surrounding the selection?
Posted below is a video I made to demonstrate the problem. I start with a higher res image, cut out the picture, cut the image size in half, and then command-click my object to get its selection. Then if I delete that object out of the original image, it does 2 things: 1) deletes more than my selection and 2) doesn't delete what's IN the selection entirely. The edge of the selection in some spots become transparent instead of it being gone.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
However, when I try to paint within that selection, paint spills out onto pixels that are Not part of the selection. Does anyone know why this is happening? With the work I'm doing, it's imperative that the only part of my image that is being manipulated is my exact selection, and not a pixel over. But I can't understand why Photoshop is allowing a few pixels outside of my selection border to be painted on.
Furthermore, if I were to do command-click my object for the selection and delete it out of the background image, it deletes the selection + a few extra pixels around the border. It's maddening. When I have a selection and manipulate the pixels within it, why is it also manipulating a small number of pixels surrounding the selection?
Posted below is a video I made to demonstrate the problem. I start with a higher res image, cut out the picture, cut the image size in half, and then command-click my object to get its selection. Then if I delete that object out of the original image, it does 2 things: 1) deletes more than my selection and 2) doesn't delete what's IN the selection entirely. The edge of the selection in some spots become transparent instead of it being gone.
Can anyone shed some light on this?