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why are so many people so boring?


Retired Forum Moderator
i'm starting to get rather fed up of seeing minecraft logo requests around here, why can't people be more unique and ask for something different for their youtube channel? what is so special about minecraft anyway?

not trying to start a forum riot, but i am serious about this
My dear Zeealex,

It takes of all kind to make a world !-)
Because the world is composed primarily of followers, most particularly young people who have yet to find an identity of their own.
It's hard to explain in few words or sentece. I think there is even the books about it. And my english is definetly to poor for it and my thoughts aren't very clear too. But i try and let's see where it takes me.
It's our fault. Starting with parents and ending with all of us, society. We all want to be unique but we all are afraid of it. It's how parents (usually) teach kids. It's how society attitude. Even you. Don't say you never judge or suppress somehow anyone for their look, for their doing, for their diference. Probably it's just fear. We don't know what wait from them. And maybe jealous because we wanted to be diferent ourself.
I think it's root is in upbringing. We build stereotypes, brick from parents, brick from kindergarden, brick from school etc. That's ease our life, makes worls simpler.
So we want to be unique but are affraid of condemnation. Feeling guilt if our behaviour falls out of own stereotypes. And we are afraid of loneliness.
We joins in groups thinking that's it's makes us unique and linked to some group of people at the same time. Food we like, label we prefered, movies/books we love. Games we play. That's makes us diferent from others but same at others (i'm so clear about it :) ). But that's how the society is builded. Maybe there is some conspiracy and that's all for better human control. Don't know.
Someone are more deep in that some aren't. For someone it's minecraft. For someone it's photoshop :D You are in it too (or maybe not). But truly free person is so rare that's it exceptions that proves the rule. Maybe your are lucky to be one of them. I'm totally not.

I know that's text is hard to read and understand. I hardly can explain all of it in my language. And i'm trying to go to deep in subject about i have no absolutly idea. That's my thing.
Anyway, please, don't feel offended if you don't agree to it. I probably just speaking only about myself (but i so doubt it).
It's hard to explain in few words or sentece. I think there is even the books about it. And my english is definetly to poor for it and my thoughts aren't very clear too. But i try and let's see where it takes me.
It's our fault. Starting with parents and ending with all of us, society. We all want to be unique but we all are afraid of it. It's how parents (usually) teach kids. It's how society attitude. Even you. Don't say you never judge or suppress somehow anyone for their look, for their doing, for their diference. Probably it's just fear. We don't know what wait from them. And maybe jealous because we wanted to be diferent ourself.
I think it's root is in upbringing. We build stereotypes, brick from parents, brick from kindergarden, brick from school etc. That's ease our life, makes worls simpler.
So we want to be unique but are affraid of condemnation. Feeling guilt if our behaviour falls out of own stereotypes. And we are afraid of loneliness.
We joins in groups thinking that's it's makes us unique and linked to some group of people at the same time. Food we like, label we prefered, movies/books we love. Games we play. That's makes us diferent from others but same at others (i'm so clear about it :) ). But that's how the society is builded. Maybe there is some conspiracy and that's all for better human control. Don't know.
Someone are more deep in that some aren't. For someone it's minecraft. For someone it's photoshop :D You are in it too (or maybe not). But truly free person is so rare that's it exceptions that proves the rule. Maybe your are lucky to be one of them. I'm totally not.

I know that's text is hard to read and understand. I hardly can explain all of it in my language. And i'm trying to go to deep in subject about i have no absolutly idea. That's my thing.
Anyway, please, don't feel offended if you don't agree to it. I probably just speaking only about myself (but i so doubt it).

"Maybe there is some conspiracy and that's all for better human control".

AHHHHHH my favorite subject!! :)
We all want to be unique, but not to be looked at as being the odd one.
Conspiracy theories are all over the web, i heard that us gurus are really bots from gimp...
