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White line disappears when I shrink the image


New Member

I am working in an image that has a drawing with thin white lines over a dark background.
When I shrink the image, the white lines disappear. I would like to know how to thicken the white lines, so that it doesn't disappear when I shrink it...

Thank you,
without seeing the image it is next to impossible to know what to tell you, are these lines straight,horizontal,vertical,diagonal feathered,etc. etc.

I'm not getting to upload the image files, the php window remains blank forever. I've post this same request in another forum, but yet without replies so far... I hope it is not against the rules of the forum to post a link to another forum, it is just that I'm not getting to upload the files after three tryings...

Where the images are, together with some description:

PhotoshopForums.com - White line disappears when I shrink the image
I see hawkeye responded..I am not allowed on that site anymore.I said boo, to Patrick LOL
I looked at it and I'll be straightforward with you; what ever you do, it will always look crap (no matter what tricks you use) if you want to put that particular image in 48x48 pixels like you did on that site.
