It is strange occurrence with the colors of images on web - you open the same image displayed in different sites and all versions of it look different as the colors are concerned!
Here is an example - it is detail from old painting from Prado museum. You can see - same painting but the colors differ significantly!
I understand that pics can be produced with different hardware, can be modified etc, etc, and
the BIG question is :
Is there any way to determine which image represents correct colors, that is, the ones closest to the original?
Thanks for any idea from people with experience in this area!

Here is an example - it is detail from old painting from Prado museum. You can see - same painting but the colors differ significantly!
I understand that pics can be produced with different hardware, can be modified etc, etc, and
the BIG question is :
Is there any way to determine which image represents correct colors, that is, the ones closest to the original?
Thanks for any idea from people with experience in this area!