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Which looks better


Ok doing a mock up for a client on a flash\XML website but I cant decide which looks better I like the straight lines of the Bar graph looking 1 But I think the disc shapes look Crisper and the text will be easier to balance out on the buttons.

Ps this is only a quick photoshop mock up so it will not be all aligned properly etc.

So which do you prefer and why

untitled 2.jpg

Oh I must also add I know the site looks far from vintage lol but they want a crisp modern design.
Ok it is down to these 2 ideas and the business card will be like example provided.

design 3.jpg

design 4.jpg

And the card is this (so far lol)
odditalia bcard.jpg

And now comes the fun part waiting on a decission lol.
oh and an FYI you need to click images to get the sharpness back the preview pics look poor quality
its OK now I have the go ahead for the last design of the website and tweaking the business card\letterhead etc. I love rebranding and given pretty much an empty canvas to go off

thank you Manda for your input
i guess I'll choose the second one with the small circle since I didn't like the circles but the rectangles anyway. I thought the upright vertical look complemented the text whereas the circles look like exercise balls. Sorry about that analogy, but it is what came to mind.

EDIT: oops, missed the above post, so it hardly matters what I like, lol. I do like the business card. Mainly I think the circles on the site are a bit large.
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I did propose squares as well but they have made up there mind and I get to go with it now.

as for the card yes that is what we are doing dv8 make the logo center of attention and make it pop.

Also as far as the site goes each disc will be button that will animate a pop up window above the background so cant have things extruding as it will not look clean.
I say the first one is too compressed in areas, Like the logo. . .
The second one is better because of the way it is Uncanny / roomy.
These suggestions are for the second website.
And I still do think the circles are a little large . . . .May I suggest shrinking them?
Also try adding some gloss to those buttons.
Reduce the opacity of the reflection just a tinge.
And add an extra interface (Possibly a black layout?) below the buttons, but above the background. . .
And apply the same effects to it, as the background.
Gloss is a no Go the Buttons have to be oversized and large it is part of a flash intro\home page

It is a bold site and I have to take the clients needs into account not my own however I did persuade an improvement on the buttons.

You also have to take note this is a temp mock up and will not look like this in the actual website when it is coded animated etc It will look a lot better.

The Buttons will have mouse over animations to scroll in if that makes sense so as you move your mouse to the right the 4th button will glide along and when you move to the left the 1st button will glide along as if they were all on a teadmill. Hence the spacing is just to show the buttons and not the actual animation. There will only be 3 buttons visible at any 1 time

website layout.png
Hmmm..... Sounds Interesting. . .
Wouldn't the animation cram it a bit though?
I mean, In this site I have a hard time navigating sometimes and everything is stationary. . .
But I like the general idea. . .
How do you plan to code it? Flash? java? It all depends on what you use the amount of options they will have.
The home page will be flash what you see in the pictue is what you get when your mouse hits the hot spot of the buttons it will trace your mouse movements and reveal the extra button there will also be a navigation arrow at either side of the page for manual control kind of like a basic flash photo album.

The other pages are undecided and depends on the amount of text and images per page I may have them as flash as well or maybe stick to HTML with a smaller flash menu bar and embed flash photo albums etc.

But now it is a waiting game to see what they come back with in particular what content they want to populate the site with. And if they want to embed some kind of eccommerce store into there site or have a seperate website piggybacking of there main domain
Well that is what a good site takes is planning I always do each page in photoshop first so I can do a layout I like I often just import straight into flash from photoshop rather than recreating elements. And then I play around to see what makes the site look good, over complicated, Boring But always make sure it only has important information on andeveryone can navigate to what they need straight away.

It is also important to have visual reference I dont know if you use flash and understand how layers and content can get hidden behind other content and symbols etc so it is best to know what you want to do before you go into flash.
