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What's this?


Former Member
I have asked this before what does it mean guys?
Total brain fart moment for me here:mrgreen:

icon.jpg that's the icon NOT an error:thumbsup:
Generally means broken picture either it is corrupt or the device you are viewing the forum on cant read the picture type. Quite often you will see this when viewing the forum on a mobile device .

the picture can not be loaded same as the white page with a red cross on it.
That was it, thanks H how come some images on the same page load but others do not, i am on the Mail online webpage?
usually on large sites it is a bandwidth issue if there are lots of images your internet speed may not be fast enough to load them or the opposite your internet loads the images faster than your browser can process them, Also it could be that their hosts is being to slow.

or it could be as simple as they have withdrawn the image but the page is still trying to link to it.
